I have defined a struct called ParDemo1
to store some parameters (and do some basic calculations for default values not shown here). It is passed to the function dhdt_demo!
, which is the RHS of a system of ODE to be passed to DifferentialEquations.jl
function ℿdemo(h, par, t)
return par.A./h.^5 .+ par.W./(par.D .- h).^2
@with_kw struct ParDemo1{T1<:Union{Float64,Function}}
D::Float64 = 5.0
A::Float64 = 0.0
W::Float64 = 1.0
V::T1 = 1.0
ℿ::Function = ℿdemo
function dhdt_demo!(dh, h, par, t)
isa(par.V, Function) ? V = par.V(t) : V = par.V
ℿ = par.ℿ(h, par, t)
@. dh = h^3 * ℿ * V
return nothing
is a function with signature ParDemo1.ℿ(h,par,t)
and will change depending on the exact problem I’m solving.
Now I have the following codes:
Vfun = t->1+sin(t)
par_demo = ParDemo1(V=Vfun)
h0 = ones(256)
dh = similar(dh)
dhdt_demo!(dh, h0, par_demo, 0)
However, there seems to be some type instability problem:
@btime dhdt_demo!(dh, h0, par_demo, 0) # 1.910 μs (8 allocations: 2.33 KiB)
@code_warntype dhdt_demo!(dh, h0, par_demo, 0)
gives the following output:
MethodInstance for dhdt_demo!(::Vector{Float64}, ::Vector{Float64}, ::ParDemo1{var"#11#12"}, ::Int64)
from dhdt_demo!(dh, h, par, t) in Main at In[59]:1
1 ─ Core.NewvarNode(:(ℿ))
│ Core.NewvarNode(:(V))
│ %3 = Base.getproperty(par, :V)::Core.Const(var"#11#12"())
│ %4 = (%3 isa Main.Function)::Core.Const(true)
│ Core.typeassert(%4, Core.Bool)
│ %6 = Base.getproperty(par, :V)::Core.Const(var"#11#12"())
│ (V = (%6)(t))
└── goto #3
2 ─ Core.Const(:(V = Base.getproperty(par, :V)))
3 ┄ %10 = Base.getproperty(par, :ℿ)::Function
│ (ℿ = (%10)(h, par, t))
│ %12 = Core.apply_type(Base.Val, 3)::Core.Const(Val{3})
│ %13 = (%12)()::Core.Const(Val{3}())
│ %14 = Base.broadcasted(Base.literal_pow, Main.:^, h, %13)::Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{1}, Nothing, typeof(Base.literal_pow), Tuple{Base.RefValue{typeof(^)}, Vector{Float64}, Base.RefValue{Val{3}}}}
│ %15 = ℿ::Any
│ %16 = Base.broadcasted(Main.:*, %14, %15, V)::Any
│ Base.materialize!(dh, %16)
└── return Main.nothing
Looks like it has trouble inferring the type of the output of ℿdemo
(but it is ok with par.V
If I pass a named tuple instead of my self-defined struct, it seems to be ok:
par_demo2 = (D=5.0, A=0.0, W=1.0, V=Vfun, ℿ=ℿdemo)
@btime dhdt_demo!(dh, h0, par_demo2, 0) # 1.390 μs (1 allocation: 2.12 KiB) (any way to completely get rid of allocation?)`
And using code_warntype
doesn’t show any ::Any
Are there any ways to modify my ParDemo1
or other parts of the code so that it becomes type stable? It will be a lot more convenient for my problem if I can use a self-defined struct instead of a named tuple.