I’ve been struggling with vectors of abstract types and making them type stable. Here is an example:
abstract type Home{T<:String} end
mutable struct Condo{T} <: Home{T}
struct Apartment{T} <: Home{T}
myHomes = [Condo("Red"), Apartment("Blue")]
function getFirstColor(A::Vector{Home{String}})
return A[1].color
Here the function getFirstColor() works as intended, but when I check type stability I get this:
Julia can’t determine the type of color. I’ve tried reading the documentation and this section seems to relevant, but no variations I try seem to work. Any help is appreciated!
Fundamentally getindex on Vectors of abstract types isn’t type stable.
The point of type stability is that the compiler should be able to know which concrete type it will get.
That way it can know which method instance it will dispatch to and can do a static dispatch (or even inline the code for it).
You can’t do that for an abstract type.
Even if there is 1 method for the abstract type there will still be 1 method instance for each concrete subtype).
Firstly though, profile your code to see if this is actually your bottleneck.
A bit of type instability is no big deal, unless it is in a hot-loop.
Assuming you have profiled and found that this is a problem:
If you collection size is small, and you are not mutating the collection use a Tuple. They are designed for small heterogeneous collections.
Otherwise, use the Vector and introduce a function barrier.
I.e. a function that taked the result of getindex as an input.
It would be surprising if after that it is still your bottleneck.
But if it is then you might have to look it not a fancier datastructure than a single array. E.g. using 1 array per type.
Both of these solutions have their pros and cons and I would probably go with the Union solution if the number of sub-types was fixed and small. I’m a little confused by the last code snippet with the House struct. If I give a color a concrete type it doesn’t seem to help.
No, no. That was only to illustrate that the type of color cannot be inferred, in principle, for every subtype of Home{String}. Thus the intrinsic instabilities that arise.
By the way, one could make that type stable if instead of an abstract type you had a composed type, with color being a concrete field of Home, and other field being a parametric field with additional data for the specific type of home.
struct Home{T}
struct Apartment
Home{Apartment}("Red", Apartment(3))
Sort off… on my phone. Still that won’t solve possible run time dispatch costs for a vector of mixed types.
Ultimately I think this is my problem and I should try to avoid vectors of abstract types unless completely necessary. This pattern does end up in a pretty computationally expensive part of the code and the uncertainty in the type propagates down which I think slows everything down. I think I’ll have to try one the methods you mentioned, hopefully it doesn’t come down to changing data structure.