I have a function f
that returns two results: the first one maps the argument to something, the second is a scalar. For the MWE, let
f(x::Real) = x + 1, abs2(x)
f(x::AbstractArray) = x .+ 1, sum(abs2, x)
Please treat these as a black box otherwise.
I would like to define an f(::Tuple)
that calls f
on each field, returns a tuple of the first values and the sum of the second values. I would like the compiler to be able to infer the return type. For example,
julia> f((-1, [-2], [-3.0, -4.0]))
((0, [-1], [-2.0, -3.0]), 30.0)
I tried
function _f(acc, ys, x, xs...)
y, s = f(x)
_f(acc + s, (ys..., y), xs...)
_f(acc, ys) = ys, acc
f(x::Tuple) = _f(0, (), x...)
julia> @code_warntype f((-1, [-2], [-3.0, -4.0]))
1 1 β %1 = (getfield)(x, 1)::Int64 β
β %2 = (getfield)(x, 2)::Array{Int64,1} β
β %3 = (getfield)(x, 3)::Array{Float64,1} β
β %4 = (Base.add_int)(%1, 1)::Int64 ββ»β· _f
β %5 = (Base.mul_int)(%1, %1)::Int64 βββ» f
β %6 = (Base.add_int)(0, %5)::Int64 βββ» +
β %7 = (Core.tuple)(%4)::Tuple{Int64} ββ
β %8 = invoke Main._f(%6::Int64, %7::Tuple{Int64}, %2::Array{Int64,1}, %3::Array{Float64,1})::Tuple{Tuple,Float64}
βββ return %8 β
julia> VERSION