Type inference: map + accumulate tuple recursively

I have a function f that returns two results: the first one maps the argument to something, the second is a scalar. For the MWE, let

f(x::Real) = x + 1, abs2(x)
f(x::AbstractArray) = x .+ 1, sum(abs2, x)

Please treat these as a black box otherwise.

I would like to define an f(::Tuple) that calls f on each field, returns a tuple of the first values and the sum of the second values. I would like the compiler to be able to infer the return type. For example,

julia> f((-1, [-2], [-3.0, -4.0]))
((0, [-1], [-2.0, -3.0]), 30.0)

I tried

function _f(acc, ys, x, xs...)
    y, s = f(x)
    _f(acc + s, (ys..., y), xs...)

_f(acc, ys) = ys, acc

f(x::Tuple) = _f(0, (), x...)


julia> @code_warntype f((-1, [-2], [-3.0, -4.0]))
 1 1 ─ %1 = (getfield)(x, 1)::Int64                                                        β”‚  
   β”‚   %2 = (getfield)(x, 2)::Array{Int64,1}                                               β”‚  
   β”‚   %3 = (getfield)(x, 3)::Array{Float64,1}                                             β”‚  
   β”‚   %4 = (Base.add_int)(%1, 1)::Int64                                                   β”‚β•»β•· _f
   β”‚   %5 = (Base.mul_int)(%1, %1)::Int64                                                  β”‚β”‚β•»  f
   β”‚   %6 = (Base.add_int)(0, %5)::Int64                                                   β”‚β”‚β•»  +
   β”‚   %7 = (Core.tuple)(%4)::Tuple{Int64}                                                 β”‚β”‚ 
   β”‚   %8 = invoke Main._f(%6::Int64, %7::Tuple{Int64}, %2::Array{Int64,1}, %3::Array{Float64,1})::Tuple{Tuple,Float64}
   └──      return %8                                                                      β”‚  

julia> VERSION

Also, just to clarify: I know how to use a generated function, I am asking for a recursive solution.

This works:

function _f2(x, xs...)
    y, s = f(x)
    ys, ss = _f2(xs...)
    (y, ys...), s + ss

_f2() = (), 0

f(x::Tuple) = _f2(x...)

but why doesn’t the first one?

I’m guessing because in the second version it’s easier for the compiler to prove that the recursion is finite.

This reminded me of Jameson’s post here: Efficient tuple concatenation - #8 by jameson and explanation here: Efficient tuple concatenation - #11 by jameson