Using a reference to x allocates (on creating the Ref), but it comes up clean in @code_warntype:
f() = f!(Ref(0))
function f!(x::Ref{Int})
x[] = 0
l = Threads.SpinLock()
Threads.@threads for i in 1:Threads.nthreads()
x[] = x[] + i
Seems a little faster.
Maybe there’s a better solution.
Also, the let trick doesn’t really work here, because then the x in the closure isn’t updating the x outside of it, and I just get 0.
Good solution if we know that we are working with Int. Thank you.
However, actually this was a simplified example from a package where the type can be arbitrary.
Then I avoid Ref on Julia 0.7 as Ref(a) where a is an array does not work correctly. Maybe using Base.RefValue although it is not exported could be the general approach?
For more complicated examples, I’d just replace the Ref with a mutable struct that holds everything.
If something can be entirely arbitrary, I guess make that field parametric?