Type annotation without a variable name in a function declaration

I am picking up a stale package that reads a specific type of text file (IGC file if anyone out there flies gliders).

I have come across a number of function declarations like this:

function parse(::Type{IGCPressureAltitude}, s::String)
    return IGCPressureAltitude(parse(Int, s))


function parse(::Type{IGCGpsAltitude}, s::String)
    return IGCGpsAltitude(parse(Int, s))

parse has a parse definition for every kind of data line in the file format.

I think the only thing that does is support multiple dispatch by passing a raw type into the parse function. Am I missing anything?


No, I believe you are right. This way, one can write generic code that calls the parse function for a type that is easy to change.

You can read more about this here - depending on the implementation, this can be part of the Holy Trait pattern.

Perfect, thank you very much.

You are right about this, but looking at your question title, “Type annotation without a variable name in a function declaration”, there is something more. You can also have something like

function foo(::Float64, y::String) 

etc. That will dispatch on the type of the first input, but does not capture it in a variable.

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You can also use type unions to prevent code duplication. Your two methods could be replaced with a single method:

function parse(::Type{T}, s::String) where {
    T <: Union{IGCPressureAltitude, IGCGpsAltitude},
    return T(parse(Int, s))

Alternative notation:

const MyUnion = Union{IGCPressureAltitude, IGCGpsAltitude}

parse(::Type{T}, s::String) where {T<:MyUnion} = T(parse(Int, s))