[Turing.jl] Understanding running times in Turing.jl? Beyond @time

This is a general question about understanding running times in sample() from Turing.jl when I know how long it takes to evaluate a custom log-likelihood function.

I have a custom log-likelihood function, my_loglik(), for a p-dimensional parameter (p=7 in this specific example). Evaluating my_loglik(vec), for a specific parameter value vec takes 0.125 seconds. I have a Bayesian model with Normal(0,1) priors on all parameters and my custom log-likelihood my_loglik(), which I am implementing as follows:

@model function my_model(my_loglik)

    # Sample from priors
    par ~ filldist(Normal(0, 1), 7)
    # Add log-likelihood to the model

model = my_model(my_loglik)

Now, timing the sampling using NUTS() algorithm with specific initial point (an educated guess in the high probability region) for 100 iterations

# Run the MCMC sampler
N = 100

@time sample(model, NUTS(), N; init_params=init)

The code seems to be doing what it is supposed to be doing (by looking at the output), and it takes ~850 seconds (over several test runs), so, roughly 8.5 seconds per iteration. I find this to be quite slow in view of the time it takes to evaluate my_loglik. This would mean 50+ evaluations per iteration, leaving room for other operations.

Is there something I can do to make the sampling faster? Or anything wrong with the way I am defining my_model?

Apologies if my question is too vague.

There are a few things you can explore. One is using ReverseDiff as your AD backend. Seven parameters may not be the point where it matters much, but if you wan to scale higher, you will need reverse mode AD: Performance Tips – Turing.jl

It may not matter much, but p should be passed as a parameter to your model function. I am assuming you are passing values near the mode via init, but if you are not, the initial values might be sub-optimal. Aside from that, we would need to see your log likelihood function, as that is likely the source of your bottleneck.

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