Hi all,
I am running a Turing.jl model (an ODE model) and the results I am getting change every time I run the script. I have a seed set at the beginning of the script and there is more than one call to RNG in there but I thought having the seed up there and running the whole thing should make this reproducible! Any good reason why it isn’t?
Here is he script
using Pkg; Pkg.activate(".")
using CSV, DataFramesMeta, Chain, Random
using OrdinaryDiffEq, DiffEqCallbacks, Turing, Distributions, CategoricalArrays
using GlobalSensitivity, QuadGK
using Plots, StatsPlots, MCMCChains
using Gadfly
import Cairo, Fontconfig
# paths
modDir = "model"
modName = "mavoPBPKGenODE"
tabDir = joinpath("deliv","table")
figDir = joinpath("deliv","figure")
modPath = mkpath(joinpath(modDir, string(modName, "_jl")))
figPath = mkpath(joinpath(figDir, string(modName, "_jl")))
tabPath = mkpath(joinpath(tabDir, string(modName, "_jl")))
# read data
dat_orig = CSV.read("data/Mavoglurant_A2121_nmpk.csv", DataFrame)
dat = dat_orig[dat_orig.ID .<= 812,:]
dat_obs = dat[dat.MDV .== 0,:] # grab first 20 subjects ; remove missing obs
# load model
include(joinpath("..", modDir, string(modName, ".jl")))
# conditions
nSubject = length(unique(dat.ID))
doses = dat.AMT[dat.EVID .== 1,:]
rates = dat.RATE[dat.EVID .== 1,:]
durs = doses ./ rates
ncmt = 16
u0 = zeros(ncmt)
tspan = (0.0,maximum(dat.TIME))
times = []
for i in unique(dat_obs.ID); push!(times, dat_obs.TIME[dat_obs.ID .== i]); end
# fixed parameters
wts = dat.WT[dat.EVID .== 1,:]
VVBs = (5.62 .* wts ./ 100) ./ 1.040
BP = 0.61
# callback function for infusion stopping
function affect!(integrator)
integrator.p[8] = integrator.p[8] == 0.0
cbs = []
for i in 1:length(unique(dat.ID)); push!(cbs, PresetTimeCallback([durs[i]], affect!)); end
# variable params
CLint = exp(7.1)
KbBR = exp(1.1);
KbMU = exp(0.3);
KbAD = exp(2);
KbBO = exp(0.03);
KbRB = exp(0.3);
p = [CLint, KbBR, KbMU, KbAD, KbBO, KbRB, wts[1], rates[1]]
# define problem
prob = ODEProblem(PBPKODE!, u0, tspan, p)
## sensitivity analysis ##
## create function that takes in paramers and returns endpoints for sensitivity
p_sens = p[1:6]
f_globsens = function(p_sens)
p_all = [p_sens;[wts[1],rates[1]]]
tmp_prob = remake(prob, p = p_all)
tmp_sol = solve(tmp_prob, Tsit5(), save_idxs=[15], callback=cbs[1])
auc, err = quadgk(tmp_sol, 0.0, 48.0)
### conditions
n = 1000
lb = [1000.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
ub = [1500.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0]
sampler = GlobalSensitivity.SobolSample()
A, B = GlobalSensitivity.QuasiMonteCarlo.generate_design_matrices(n, lb, ub, sampler)
bounds = [[1000.0,1500.0],[1.0,10.0],[1.0,10.0],[1.0,10.0],[1.0,10.0],[1.0,10.0]]
#### Sobol
@time s = GlobalSensitivity.gsa(f_globsens, Sobol(), A, B)
plot_sens_total = Plots.bar(["CLint","KbBR","KbMU","KbAD","KbBO","KbRB"], s.ST, title="Total Order Indices", ylabel="Index", legend=false)
Plots.hline!([0.05], linestyle=:dash)
plot_sens_single = Plots.bar(["CLint","KbBR","KbMU","KbAD","KbBO","KbRB"], s.S1, title="First Order Indices", ylabel="Index", legend=false)
Plots.hline!([0.05], linestyle=:dash)
plot_sens = Plots.plot(plot_sens_single, plot_sens_total, xrotation = 45)
savefig(plot_sens, joinpath(figPath, "sensitivity.pdf"))
## Bayesian inference ##
@model function fitPBPK(data, prob, nSubject, rates, times, wts, cbs, VVBs, BP) # data should be a Vector
# priors
σ ~ truncated(Cauchy(0, 0.5), 0.0, Inf) # residual error
ĈLint ~ LogNormal(7.1,0.25)
KbBR ~ LogNormal(1.1,0.25)
KbMU ~ LogNormal(0.3,0.25)
KbAD ~ LogNormal(2.0,0.25)
KbBO ~ LogNormal(0.03, 0.25)
KbRB ~ LogNormal(0.3, 0.25)
ω ~ truncated(Cauchy(0, 0.5), 0.0, 1.0)
ηᵢ ~ filldist(Normal(0.0, 1.0), nSubject)
# individual params
CLintᵢ = ĈLint .* exp.(ω .* ηᵢ) # non-centered parameterization
# simulate
function prob_func(prob,i,repeat)
ps = [CLintᵢ[i], KbBR, KbMU, KbAD, KbBO, KbRB, wts[i], rates[i]]
remake(prob, p=ps, saveat=times[i], callback=cbs[i])
tmp_ensemble_prob = EnsembleProblem(prob, prob_func=prob_func)
tmp_ensemble_sol = solve(tmp_ensemble_prob, Tsit5(), trajectories=nSubject)
predicted = []
for i in 1:nSubject
times_tmp = times[i]
idx = findall(x -> x in times_tmp, tmp_ensemble_sol[i].t)
tmp_sol = Array(tmp_ensemble_sol[i])[15,idx] ./ (VVBs[i]*BP/1000.0)
append!(predicted, tmp_sol)
# likelihood
for i = 1:length(predicted)
data[i] ~ LogNormal(log.(max(predicted[i], 1e-12)), σ)
mod = fitPBPK(dat_obs.DV, prob, nSubject, rates, times, wts, cbs, VVBs, BP)
# run
## serial
#@time mcmcchains = mapreduce(c -> sample(mod, NUTS(250,adapt_delta), 250), chainscat, 1:4) # serial
#@time mcmcchains_prior = mapreduce(c -> sample(mod, Prior(), 250), chainscat, 1:4) # serial
## multithreading
nsampl = 250
nchains = 4
adapt_delta = .8
@time mcmcchains = sample(mod, NUTS(nsampl,adapt_delta), MCMCThreads(), nsampl, nchains)
@time mcmcchains_prior = sample(mod, Prior(), MCMCThreads(), nsampl, nchains) # parallel
## save mcmcchains
write(joinpath(modPath, string(modName, "chains.jls")), mcmcchains)
write(joinpath(modPath, string(modName, "chains_prior.jls")), mcmcchains_prior)
##load saved chains
#mcmcchains = read(joinpath(modPath, string(modName, "chains.jls")), Chains)
#---# diagnostics #---#
# tables
summ, quant = describe(mcmcchains)
#summ, quant = describe(mcmcchains; q = [0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95])
## summary
df_summ = DataFrame(summ)
CSV.write(joinpath(tabPath, "Summary.csv"), df_summ)
## quantiles
df_quant = DataFrame(quant)
CSV.write(joinpath(tabPath, "Quantiles.csv"), df_quant)
# plots
## trace plots
#plot_chains = StatsPlots.plot(mcmcchains[:,1:8,:]) # mcmcchains[samples, params, chains]
plot_chains1 = StatsPlots.plot(mcmcchains[:,1:4,:])
plot_chains2 = StatsPlots.plot(mcmcchains[:,5:8,:])
plot_chains = Plots.plot(plot_chains1, plot_chains2, layout = (1,2))
savefig(plot_chains, joinpath(figPath, "MCMCTrace.pdf"))
## density plots
p_post = zeros(nsampl, 8, 4)
p_prior = deepcopy(p_post)
for i in 1:4; p_post[:,:,i] = Array(mcmcchains[:,1:8,1]); end
for i in 1:4; p_prior[:,:,i] = Array(mcmcchains_prior[:,1:8,1]); end
p_post_mean = mean(p_post, dims=3)[:,:,1]
p_prior_mean = mean(p_prior, dims=3)[:,:,1]
pars = summ[1:8,1]
dens_plots = []
for i in 1:8; p = density(p_post_mean[:,i], title=pars[i], label="Posterior"); density!(p_prior_mean[:,i], label="Prior"); push!(dens_plots, p); end
dens_plots[1] = Plots.plot(dens_plots[1], xlims=(0.0,0.6))
plot_dens = Plots.plot(dens_plots[1],
size = (650,650))
savefig(plot_dens, joinpath(figPath, "DensPlots.pdf"))
## rhat
df_tmp = @orderby(DataFrame(summ)[1:8,:], :rhat)
plot_rhat = Plots.bar(string.(df_tmp.parameters), df_tmp.rhat, orientation=:h, legend = false, xlim=[0.99,1.05], xticks=[1.0,1.05], xlabel = "R̂")
Plots.vline!([1.0,1.05], linestyle=[:solid,:dash])
savefig(plot_rhat, joinpath(figPath, "rhat.pdf"))
## neff
df_tmp = @orderby(@transform!(df_tmp, :neff = :ess ./ 1000.0), :neff)
plot_neff = Plots.bar(string.(df_tmp.parameters), df_tmp.neff, orientation=:h, legend = false, xlim=[0.0,2.5], xticks=[0.0:0.25:2.5;], xlabel = "Neff/N")
Plots.vline!([0.1,0.5,1.0], linestyle=:dash)
savefig(plot_neff, joinpath(figPath, "neff.pdf"))
#---# predictive checks #---#
#--# conditional on chains #--#
dat_missing = Vector{Missing}(missing, length(dat_obs.DV)) # vector of `missing`
mod_pred = fitPBPK(dat_missing, prob, nSubject, rates, times, wts, cbs, VVBs, BP)
#pred = predict(mod_pred, mcmcchains) # posterior ; conditioned on each sample in chains
pred = predict(mod_pred, mcmcchains, include_all=false) # include_all = false means sampling new !!
#pred_prior = predict(mod_pred, mcmcchains_prior)
### predictive checks summaries
summ_pred, quant_pred = describe(pred)
#summ_pred_prior, quant_pred_prior = describe(pred_prior)
#### save
#CSV.write(joinpath(tabPath, "Summary_PPC.csv"), summ_pred)
#CSV.write(joinpath(tabPath, "Quantiles_PPC.csv"), quant_pred)
# data assembly
bins = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
labels = string.(1:length(bins) - 1)
## observed
df_vpc_obs = @chain begin
@select(:ID, :TIME, :DV, :DOSE)
@transform(:DNDV = :DV ./ :DOSE,
:bins = cut(:TIME, bins, labels = labels))
@transform(:lo = quantile(:DNDV, 0.05),
:med = quantile(:DNDV, 0.5),
:hi = quantile(:DNDV, 0.95))
df_vpc_obs2 = @orderby(unique(@select(df_vpc_obs, :TIME, :bins, :lo, :med, :hi)), :TIME)
## predicted
df_pred = DataFrame(pred)
df_vpc_pred = @chain begin
@orderby(:iteration, :chain)
hcat(select(repeat(dat_obs, 1000), [:ID,:TIME,:DOSE]))
@transform(:DNDV = :value ./ :DOSE,
:bins = cut(:TIME, bins, labels = labels))
groupby([:iteration, :chain, :bins])
@transform(:lo = quantile(:DNDV, 0.05),
:med = quantile(:DNDV, 0.5),
:hi = quantile(:DNDV, 0.95))
@transform(:loLo = quantile(:lo, 0.025),
:medLo = quantile(:lo, 0.5),
:hiLo = quantile(:lo, 0.975),
:loMed = quantile(:med, 0.025),
:medMed = quantile(:med, 0.5),
:hiMed = quantile(:med, 0.975),
:loHi = quantile(:hi, 0.025),
:medHi = quantile(:hi, 0.5),
:hiHi = quantile(:hi, 0.975))
df_vpc_pred2 = @orderby(unique(df_vpc_pred[!,[6;13:21]]), :TIME)
### plot
dat_obs2 = @transform(dat_obs, :DNDV = :DV ./ :DOSE)
set_default_plot_size(17cm, 12cm)
plot_ppc = Gadfly.plot(x=dat_obs2.TIME, y=dat_obs2.DNDV, Geom.point, Scale.y_log10, Theme(background_color="white", default_color="black"), alpha=[0.2], Guide.xlabel("Time (h)"), Guide.ylabel("Mavoglurant dose-normalized concentration (ng/mL/mg)", orientation=:vertical),
layer(x=df_vpc_obs.TIME, y=df_vpc_obs.med, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")),
layer(x=df_vpc_obs.TIME, y=df_vpc_obs.lo, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")),
layer(x=df_vpc_obs.TIME, y=df_vpc_obs.hi, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")),
layer(x=df_vpc_pred2.TIME, ymin=df_vpc_pred2.loMed, ymax=df_vpc_pred2.hiMed, Geom.ribbon, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue"), alpha=[0.8]),
layer(x=df_vpc_pred2.TIME, ymin=df_vpc_pred2.loLo, ymax=df_vpc_pred2.hiLo, Geom.ribbon, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue"), alpha=[0.5]),
layer(x=df_vpc_pred2.TIME, ymin=df_vpc_pred2.loHi, ymax=df_vpc_pred2.hiHi, Geom.ribbon, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue"), alpha=[0.5]))
plot_tmp = PDF(joinpath(figPath, "PPCCond.pdf"), 17cm, 12cm)
draw(plot_tmp, plot_ppc)
#--# new population #--#
df_params = DataFrame(mcmcchains)[:,3:10]
# save CSV
#CSV.write(joinpath(modPath, "df_params.csv"), df_params)
## new etas
ηs = reshape(rand(Normal(0.0, 1.0), nSubject*nrow(df_params)), nrow(df_params), nSubject)
array_pred = Array{Float64}(undef, nrow(df_params), nrow(dat_obs))
for j in 1:nrow(df_params)
KbBR = df_params[j,:KbBR]
KbMU = df_params[j,:KbMU]
KbAD = df_params[j,:KbAD]
KbBO = df_params[j,:KbBO]
KbRB = df_params[j,:KbRB]
CLintᵢ = df_params[j,:ĈLint] .* exp.(df_params[j,:ω] .* ηs[j,:])
# simulate
function prob_func(prob,i,repeat)
ps = [CLintᵢ[i], KbBR, KbMU, KbAD, KbBO, KbRB, wts[i], rates[i]]
remake(prob, p=ps, saveat=times[i], callback=cbs[i])
tmp_ensemble_prob = EnsembleProblem(prob, prob_func=prob_func)
tmp_ensemble_sol = solve(tmp_ensemble_prob, Tsit5(), trajectories=nSubject)
predicted = []
for i in 1:nSubject
times_tmp = times[i]
idx = findall(x -> x in times_tmp, tmp_ensemble_sol[i].t)
tmp_sol = Array(tmp_ensemble_sol[i])[15,idx] ./ (VVBs[i]*BP/1000.0)
append!(predicted, tmp_sol)
array_pred[j, :] = rand.(LogNormal.(log.(predicted), df_params[j,:σ]))
df_pred_new = DataFrame(array_pred, :auto)
@transform!(df_pred_new, :iteration = 1:size(array_pred)[1])
# save version for R's vpc
df_pred_new2 = @chain begin
hcat(select(repeat(dat_obs, 1000), [:ID,:TIME,:DOSE]))
@transform(:DNDV = :value ./ :DOSE)
# save CSV
#CSV.write(joinpath(modPath, "df_pred.csv"), df_pred_new2)
df_vpc_pred_new = @chain begin
hcat(select(repeat(dat_obs, 1000), [:ID,:TIME,:DOSE]))
@transform(:DNDV = :value ./ :DOSE,
:bins = cut(:TIME, bins, labels = labels))
groupby([:iteration, :bins])
@transform(:lo = quantile(:DNDV, 0.05),
:med = quantile(:DNDV, 0.5),
:hi = quantile(:DNDV, 0.95))
@transform(:loLo = quantile(:lo, 0.025),
:medLo = quantile(:lo, 0.5),
:hiLo = quantile(:lo, 0.975),
:loMed = quantile(:med, 0.025),
:medMed = quantile(:med, 0.5),
:hiMed = quantile(:med, 0.975),
:loHi = quantile(:hi, 0.025),
:medHi = quantile(:hi, 0.5),
:hiHi = quantile(:hi, 0.975))
df_vpc_pred_new2 = @orderby(unique(df_vpc_pred_new[!,[5;12:20]]), :TIME)
### plot
#dat_obs2 = @transform(dat_obs, :DNDV = :DV ./ :DOSE)
set_default_plot_size(17cm, 12cm)
plot_ppc_new = Gadfly.plot(x=dat_obs2.TIME, y=dat_obs2.DNDV, Geom.point, Scale.y_log10, Theme(background_color="white", default_color="black"), alpha=[0.2], Guide.xlabel("Time (h)"), Guide.ylabel("Mavoglurant dose-normalized concentration (ng/mL/mg)", orientation=:vertical),
layer(x=df_vpc_obs.TIME, y=df_vpc_obs.med, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")),
layer(x=df_vpc_obs.TIME, y=df_vpc_obs.lo, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")),
layer(x=df_vpc_obs.TIME, y=df_vpc_obs.hi, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")),
layer(x=df_vpc_pred_new2.TIME, ymin=df_vpc_pred_new2.loMed, ymax=df_vpc_pred_new2.hiMed, Geom.ribbon, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue"), alpha=[0.8]),
layer(x=df_vpc_pred_new2.TIME, ymin=df_vpc_pred_new2.loLo, ymax=df_vpc_pred_new2.hiLo, Geom.ribbon, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue"), alpha=[0.5]),
layer(x=df_vpc_pred_new2.TIME, ymin=df_vpc_pred_new2.loHi, ymax=df_vpc_pred_new2.hiHi, Geom.ribbon, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue"), alpha=[0.5]))
plot_tmp = PDF(joinpath(figPath, "PPCPred.pdf"), 17cm, 12cm)
draw(plot_tmp, plot_ppc_new)
#--# individual plots #--#
df_cObs = @chain begin
df_cCond = @chain begin
@transform(:loCond = quantile(:value, 0.05),
:medCond = quantile(:value, 0.5),
:hiCond = quantile(:value, 0.95))
@select(:ID, :TIME, :DOSE, :loCond, :medCond, :hiCond)
df_cPred = @chain begin
@transform(:loPred = quantile(:value, 0.05),
:medPred = quantile(:value, 0.5),
:hiPred = quantile(:value, 0.95))
@select(:ID, :TIME, :DOSE, :loPred, :medPred, :hiPred)
# join all data
df_cAll = hcat(df_cObs,
@select(df_cCond, :loCond, :medCond, :hiCond),
@select(df_cPred, :loPred, :medPred, :hiPred))
# save CSV for plotting in R
CSV.write(joinpath(modPath, "df_ind.csv"), df_cAll)
# plot
plot_ind = Gadfly.plot(df_call, x=:TIME, y=:DV, xgroup=:ID, Geom.subplot_grid(Geom.point),
Theme(background_color="white", default_color="black"),
plot_ind = Gadfly.plot(df_call, x=:TIME, Theme(background_color="white", default_color="black"), Scale.y_log10,
layer(y=:DV, Geom.point))
plot_ind = Gadfly.plot(x=dat_obs2.TIME, y=dat_obs2.DNDV, Geom.point, Scale.y_log10, Theme(background_color="white", default_color="black"), alpha=[0.2], Guide.xlabel("Time (h)"), Guide.ylabel("Mavoglurant dose-normalized concentration (ng/mL/mg)", orientation=:vertical),
layer(x=df_vpc_obs.TIME, y=df_vpc_obs.med, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")),
layer(x=df_vpc_obs.TIME, y=df_vpc_obs.lo, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")),
layer(x=df_vpc_obs.TIME, y=df_vpc_obs.hi, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")),
layer(x=df_vpc_pred_new2.TIME, ymin=df_vpc_pred_new2.loMed, ymax=df_vpc_pred_new2.hiMed, Geom.ribbon, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue"), alpha=[0.8]),
layer(x=df_vpc_pred_new2.TIME, ymin=df_vpc_pred_new2.loLo, ymax=df_vpc_pred_new2.hiLo, Geom.ribbon, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue"), alpha=[0.5]),
layer(x=df_vpc_pred_new2.TIME, ymin=df_vpc_pred_new2.loHi, ymax=df_vpc_pred_new2.hiHi, Geom.ribbon, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue"), alpha=[0.5]))
## simulation ##
# get wts for 500 individuals
wts_sim = @chain begin
@subset(:EVID .== 1)
wts_sim = sample(wts_sim, 500, replace=true)
vvbs_sim = (5.62 .* wts_sim ./ 100) ./ 1.040
# get 500 replicates of inferred parameters
df_params_sim1 = DataFrame(mcmcchains)[:,3:10]
df_params_sim2 = df_params_sim1[sample(1:nrow(df_params_sim1), 500, replace=false),:]
## new etas
ηs_sim = reshape(rand(Normal(0.0, 1.0), 500*500), 500, 500)
# create array to hold results
times_sim = [0.0:0.1:48.0;]
array_pred_sim = Array{Float64}(undef, 500, length(times_sim)*500)
# simulate a 50 mg single
## infusion callback
dose = 50.0
cb = PresetTimeCallback([10.0/60.0], affect!)
for j in 1:nrow(df_params_sim2)
KbBR = df_params_sim2[j,:KbBR]
KbMU = df_params_sim2[j,:KbMU]
KbAD = df_params_sim2[j,:KbAD]
KbBO = df_params_sim2[j,:KbBO]
KbRB = df_params_sim2[j,:KbRB]
CLintᵢ = df_params_sim2[j,:ĈLint] .* exp.(df_params_sim2[j,:ω] .* ηs_sim[j,:])
# simulate
function prob_func_sim(prob,i,repeat)
ps = [CLintᵢ[i], KbBR, KbMU, KbAD, KbBO, KbRB, wts_sim[i], 300.0]
remake(prob, p=ps, tspan=(0.0,48.0))
sim_ensemble_prob = EnsembleProblem(prob, prob_func=prob_func_sim)
sim_ensemble_sol = solve(sim_ensemble_prob, Tsit5(), save_idxs=[15], callback=cb, saveat=times_sim, trajectories=nrow(df_params_sim2))
predicted = []
for i in 1:500
idx = findall(x -> x in times_sim, sim_ensemble_sol[i].t)
tmp_sol = Array(sim_ensemble_sol[i])[1,idx] ./ (vvbs_sim[i]*BP/1000.0)
append!(predicted, tmp_sol)
array_pred_sim[j, :] = rand.(LogNormal.(log.(predicted), df_params_sim2[j,:σ]))
# get stats
df_pred_sim = DataFrame(array_pred_sim, :auto)
@transform!(df_pred_sim, :iteration = 1:size(array_pred_sim)[1])
df_pred_sim2 = @chain begin
@transform(:ID = repeat(repeat(1:500,inner=length(times_sim)), 500),
:TIME = repeat(times_sim, 500*500),
:DOSE = dose)
@transform(:DNDV = :value ./ :DOSE)
groupby([:iteration, :TIME])
@transform(:lo = quantile(:value, 0.05),
:med = quantile(:value, 0.5),
:hi = quantile(:value, 0.95))
@transform(:loLo = quantile(:lo, 0.025),
:medLo = quantile(:lo, 0.5),
:hiLo = quantile(:lo, 0.975),
:loMed = quantile(:med, 0.025),
:medMed = quantile(:med, 0.5),
:hiMed = quantile(:med, 0.975),
:loHi = quantile(:hi, 0.025),
:medHi = quantile(:hi, 0.5),
:hiHi = quantile(:hi, 0.975))
df_pred_summ = @orderby(unique(df_pred_sim2[!,[5;11:19]]), :TIME)
# save CSV
#CSV.write(joinpath(modPath, "df_pred.csv"), df_pred_new2)
### plot
#dat_obs2 = @transform(dat_obs, :DNDV = :DV ./ :DOSE)
set_default_plot_size(17cm, 12cm)
plot_pred_summ = Gadfly.plot(x=df_pred_summ.TIME, ymin=df_pred_summ.loMed, ymax=df_pred_summ.hiMed, Geom.ribbon, Scale.y_log10, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue", background_color="white"), alpha=[0.8], Guide.xlabel("Time (h)"), Guide.ylabel("Mavoglurant concentration (ng/mL)", orientation=:vertical),
layer(x=df_pred_summ.TIME, ymin=df_pred_summ.loLo, ymax=df_pred_summ.hiLo, Geom.ribbon, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue"), alpha=[0.5]),
layer(x=df_pred_summ.TIME, ymin=df_pred_summ.loHi, ymax=df_pred_summ.hiHi, Geom.ribbon, Theme(default_color="deepskyblue"), alpha=[0.5]),
layer(x=df_pred_summ.TIME, y=df_pred_summ.medMed, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")),
layer(x=df_pred_summ.TIME, y=df_pred_summ.medLo, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")),
layer(x=df_pred_summ.TIME, y=df_pred_summ.medHi, Geom.line, Theme(default_color="black")))
plot_tmp = PDF(joinpath(figPath, "SimPred.pdf"), 17cm, 12cm)
draw(plot_tmp, plot_pred_summ)