I’m trying to use packagecompiler.jl and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong:
(NNFuelGage.jl) pkg>
julia> using Interpolations
julia> using JuMP
julia> using LazySets
julia> using MathOptInterface
julia> using Gurobi
julia> PackageCompiler.create_sysimage(["SymEngine", "MacroTools", "Interpolations", "JuMP", "LazySets", "MathOptInterface", "Calculus", "NLsolve", "Gurobi", "Plots"]; sysimage_path="fuel_gage_sysimage", precompile_statements_file="fuel_gage_2.jl", replace_default=false)
Precompiling project...
2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 10 seconds (282 already precompiled)
ERROR: package(s) Interpolations, JuMP, LazySets, MathOptInterface, Gurobi not in project
The packages are clearly in my current project and I can “using” them but package compiler can’t find them?
Also why do I need to provide a list of packages when those packages are already called / used in the precompile trace file?
Update ~~ I’m unsure as to why I was able to “using” packages like JuMP w/o them being in my Project.toml file for the current active project, but I ]add’ed them and then ran PackageCompiler again and got the following error:
julia> PackageCompiler.create_sysimage(["SymEngine", "MacroTools", "Interpolations", "JuMP", "LazySets", "MathOptInterface", "Calculus", "NLsolve", "Gurobi", "Plots"]; sysimage_path="fuel_gage_sysimage.so", precompile_statements_file="fuel_gage_2.jl", replace_default=false)
[ Info: PackageCompiler: creating system image object file, this might take a while...
ERROR: failed process: Process(`/home/chelsea/Software/julia-1.6.1/bin/julia --color=yes --startup-file=no --cpu-target=native --sysimage=/home/chelsea/Dropbox/nn_fuel_gage/src/NNFuelGage.jl/fuel_gage_sysimage.so --project=/home/chelsea/Dropbox/nn_fuel_gage/src/NNFuelGage.jl --output-o=/tmp/jl_N3Wg41.o -e "Base.reinit_stdio()
@eval Sys BINDIR = ccall(:jl_get_julia_bindir, Any, ())::String
@eval Sys STDLIB = \"/home/chelsea/Software/julia-1.6.1/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6\"
if isdefined(Base, :init_active_project)
import SymEngine
import MacroTools
import Interpolations
import JuMP
import LazySets
import MathOptInterface
import Calculus
import NLsolve
import Gurobi
import Plots
# This @eval prevents symbols from being put into Main
@eval Module() begin
using Base.Meta
PrecompileStagingArea = Module()
for (_pkgid, _mod) in Base.loaded_modules
if !(_pkgid.name in (\"Main\", \"Core\", \"Base\"))
eval(PrecompileStagingArea, :(const \$(Symbol(_mod)) = \$_mod))
precompile_files = String[
for file in precompile_files, statement in eachline(file)
# println(statement)
# This is taken from https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/2c9e051c460dd9700e6814c8e49cc1f119ed8b41/contrib/generate_precompile.jl#L375-L393
ps = Meta.parse(statement)
isexpr(ps, :call) || continue
popfirst!(ps.args) # precompile(...)
ps.head = :tuple
l = ps.args[end]
if (isexpr(l, :tuple) || isexpr(l, :curly)) && length(l.args) > 0 # Tuple{...} or (...)
# XXX: precompile doesn't currently handle overloaded Vararg arguments very well.
# Replacing N with a large number works around it.
l = l.args[end]
if isexpr(l, :curly) && length(l.args) == 2 && l.args[1] === :Vararg # Vararg{T}
push!(l.args, 100) # form Vararg{T, 100} instead
# println(ps)
ps = Core.eval(PrecompileStagingArea, ps)
# XXX: precompile doesn't currently handle overloaded nospecialize arguments very well.
# Skipping them avoids the warning.
ms = length(ps) == 1 ? Base._methods_by_ftype(ps[1], 1, Base.get_world_counter()) : Base.methods(ps...)
ms isa Vector || continue
catch e
# See julia issue #28808
@debug \"failed to execute \$statement\"
end # module
"`, ProcessSignaled(9)) [0]
[1] pipeline_error
@ ./process.jl:525 [inlined]
[2] run(::Cmd; wait::Bool)
@ Base ./process.jl:440
[3] run
@ ./process.jl:438 [inlined]
[4] create_sysimg_object_file(object_file::String, packages::Vector{String}; project::String, base_sysimage::String, precompile_execution_file::Vector{String}, precompile_statements_file::Vector{String}, cpu_target::String, script::Nothing, isapp::Bool, sysimage_build_args::Cmd)
@ PackageCompiler ~/.julia/packages/PackageCompiler/r8Xcy/src/PackageCompiler.jl:371
[5] create_sysimage(packages::Vector{String}; sysimage_path::String, project::String, precompile_execution_file::Vector{String}, precompile_statements_file::String, incremental::Bool, filter_stdlibs::Bool, replace_default::Bool, base_sysimage::Nothing, isapp::Bool, julia_init_c_file::Nothing, version::Nothing, compat_level::String, soname::Nothing, cpu_target::String, script::Nothing, sysimage_build_args::Cmd)
@ PackageCompiler ~/.julia/packages/PackageCompiler/r8Xcy/src/PackageCompiler.jl:538
[6] top-level scope
@ REPL[27]:1