Trying to use @eval to overwrite method defined by another package

Thank you for your comment @Ralph_Smith.

First of all, regarding MKLSparse.jl, I got the impression that MKLSparse was doing type piracy from this comment ANN: MKLSparse - #9 by kristoffer.carlsson
and assumed that type pyracy = method redefinition.

Back to my code, indeed the problem was with the y::AbstractArray declaration. As you pointed out, that made the method less specific than the

mul!(y::AbstractVector,A::SparseMatrixCSR,v::AbstractVector, α::Number, β::Number)

exported by SpareceMatricesCSR.jl. So the new method was never called.

If I change the function declaration to

mul!(y::AbstractVector, A::SparseMatrixCSR, x::AbstractVector, alpha::Number, beta::Number)

I can overwrite the method and then the redefined method can be called.

As a matter of fact, I have now managed to implement a function that overwrites mul! only if the user wants to.

With the new code:

module ThreadedSparseCSR

using SparseMatricesCSR
using Polyester
using LinearAlgebra

export csr_bmul!
#export csr_bmul


using SparseMatricesCSR: nzrange

function csr_bmul!(y::AbstractVector, A::SparseMatrixCSR, x::AbstractVector, alpha::Number, beta::Number)
    A.n == size(x, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
    A.m == size(y, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch())

    o = getoffset(A)
    @batch for row in 1:size(y, 1)
        @inbounds begin
            accu = zero(eltype(y))
            for nz in nzrange(A, row)
                col = A.colval[nz] + o
                accu += A.nzval[nz]*x[col]
            y[row] = alpha*accu + beta*y[row]

    return y


import LinearAlgebra: mul!

function multithread_matmul()

    @eval function  mul!(y::AbstractVector, A::SparseMatrixCSR, x::AbstractVector, alpha::Number, beta::Number)
        return csr_bmul!(y, A, x, alpha, beta)



If the user does:

using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, SparseMatricesCSR, BenchmarkTools

m, n = 1_000, 1_000
d = 0.01
num_nzs = floor(Int, m*n*d)
rows = rand(1:m, num_nzs)
cols = rand(1:n, num_nzs)
vals = rand(num_nzs)

cscA = sparse(rows, cols, vals, m, n)
csrA = sparsecsr(rows, cols, vals, m, n)
x = rand(n)
y = similar(x)

@btime mul!($y, $csrA, $x, true, false)
  6.621 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

using ThreadedSparseCSR

@btime mul!($y, $csrA, $x, true, false)
  6.719 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes) # still no threading


@btime mul!($y, $csrA, $x, true, false)
 1.606 μs (1 allocation: 96 bytes) # mul! is now threaded!

Thank you for the help!