Trying to use @eval to overwrite method defined by another package

I am trying to devellop a package that takes advantage of the multithreading provided by Polyester.jl to multithread sparse matrix - vec multiplication for matrices in the CSR format, as defined in the package SparseMatricesCSR.jl

Adding multithreading was trivial (just adding a @batch to the non-threaded implementation of mul!). The good news, is that by just doing so, we get performance comparable (sometimes slightly better) to the transpose(mat)-vec multiplication provided by MKLSparse.jl (for CSC matrices).

Now, in the same spirit of MKLSparse.jl, I would like for my package to overwrite the non-threaded mul!defined in SparseMatricesCSR.jl. I was hoping to do so using @eval. Here is what my code looks like:

module ThreadedSparseCSR

using SparseMatricesCSR
using Polyester
using LinearAlgebra

export csr_bmul!, csr_bmul

using SparseMatricesCSR: nzrange

function csr_bmul!(y::AbstractArray, A::SparseMatrixCSR, x::AbstractVector, alpha::Number, beta::Number)
    A.n == size(x, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
    A.m == size(y, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch())

    o = getoffset(A)
    @batch for row in 1:size(y, 1)
        @inbounds begin
            accu = zero(eltype(y))
            for nz in nzrange(A, row)
                col = A.colval[nz] + o
                accu += A.nzval[nz]*x[col]
            y[row] = alpha*accu + beta*y[row]

    return y


import LinearAlgebra: mul!

@eval begin

    function  mul!(y::AbstractArray, A::SparseMatrixCSR, x::AbstractVector, alpha::Number, beta::Number)
        return csr_bmul!(y, A, x, alpha, beta)



I was hoping that the code block in @eval, would overwrite the method. However, that is not what I am seeing.

If i test the code:

using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, SparseMatricesCSR, BenchmarkTools

m, n = 1_000, 1_000
d = 0.01
num_nzs = floor(Int, m*n*d)
rows = rand(1:m, num_nzs)
cols = rand(1:n, num_nzs)
vals = rand(num_nzs)

cscA = sparse(rows, cols, vals, m, n)
csrA = sparsecsr(rows, cols, vals, m, n)
x = rand(n)
y = similar(x)

@btime mul!(y, csrA, x, true, false);

6.258 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

using ThreadedSparseCSR

@btime mul!(y, csrA, x, true, false);
  6.621 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes) # no speed up

@btime csr_bmul!(y, csrA, x, true, false);
  1.655 μs (1 allocation: 96 bytes) # speed up do to multithreading

What am I missing regarding the use of @eval?

Thank you for your help!

EDIT: typo

This sounds so terrible I’m afraid to help;)

Why is it so terrible? I guess I am trying to do type piracy and that is not recommended. But using @eval to overwrite mul! is exactly what MKLSparse.jl does. So there is a good precedent for this. But for some reason I am not able to make it work.

What I would actually like to do is to export the function csr_bmul! and another one multithread_mul! that when ran by the user overwrites mul!. In that way, the user only does type piracy if he wants to.

In MKLSparse, @eval is used to allow compilation of expressions with interpolated values. It doesn’t overwrite anything. MKLSparse provides more specific methods of mul! than the ones in SparseArrays, so they are selected by the dispatcher when appropriate. With your AbstractArray and AbstractVector, you are less specific, so your method won’t be called.


Thank you for your comment @Ralph_Smith.

First of all, regarding MKLSparse.jl, I got the impression that MKLSparse was doing type piracy from this comment ANN: MKLSparse - #9 by kristoffer.carlsson
and assumed that type pyracy = method redefinition.

Back to my code, indeed the problem was with the y::AbstractArray declaration. As you pointed out, that made the method less specific than the

mul!(y::AbstractVector,A::SparseMatrixCSR,v::AbstractVector, α::Number, β::Number)

exported by SpareceMatricesCSR.jl. So the new method was never called.

If I change the function declaration to

mul!(y::AbstractVector, A::SparseMatrixCSR, x::AbstractVector, alpha::Number, beta::Number)

I can overwrite the method and then the redefined method can be called.

As a matter of fact, I have now managed to implement a function that overwrites mul! only if the user wants to.

With the new code:

module ThreadedSparseCSR

using SparseMatricesCSR
using Polyester
using LinearAlgebra

export csr_bmul!
#export csr_bmul


using SparseMatricesCSR: nzrange

function csr_bmul!(y::AbstractVector, A::SparseMatrixCSR, x::AbstractVector, alpha::Number, beta::Number)
    A.n == size(x, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
    A.m == size(y, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch())

    o = getoffset(A)
    @batch for row in 1:size(y, 1)
        @inbounds begin
            accu = zero(eltype(y))
            for nz in nzrange(A, row)
                col = A.colval[nz] + o
                accu += A.nzval[nz]*x[col]
            y[row] = alpha*accu + beta*y[row]

    return y


import LinearAlgebra: mul!

function multithread_matmul()

    @eval function  mul!(y::AbstractVector, A::SparseMatrixCSR, x::AbstractVector, alpha::Number, beta::Number)
        return csr_bmul!(y, A, x, alpha, beta)



If the user does:

using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, SparseMatricesCSR, BenchmarkTools

m, n = 1_000, 1_000
d = 0.01
num_nzs = floor(Int, m*n*d)
rows = rand(1:m, num_nzs)
cols = rand(1:n, num_nzs)
vals = rand(num_nzs)

cscA = sparse(rows, cols, vals, m, n)
csrA = sparsecsr(rows, cols, vals, m, n)
x = rand(n)
y = similar(x)

@btime mul!($y, $csrA, $x, true, false)
  6.621 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

using ThreadedSparseCSR

@btime mul!($y, $csrA, $x, true, false)
  6.719 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes) # still no threading


@btime mul!($y, $csrA, $x, true, false)
 1.606 μs (1 allocation: 96 bytes) # mul! is now threaded!

Thank you for the help!