I am trying to create a plot using Plots.jl and have run some code but it has already been over 15 minutes with no response from Julia. The screen looks like:
Is this normal? It seems unusual to me. I am using Julia version 1.0 and have updated all packages.
My code (which has been checked by others in Using DifferentialEquations.jl for a simple food-chain ) is:
using DifferentialEquations
f = @ode_def_bare FoodChain begin
du1 = u1*(1-u1)-(1/e)*y2*x2*u1^(1+q)/(u012^(1+q)+u1^(q+1))*u2
du2 = y2*x2*u1^(1+q)/(u012^(1+q)+u1^(1+q))*u2-(1/e)*y3*x3*u2^(1+q)/(u023^(1+q)+u2^(1+q))*u3-x2*u2
du3 = y3*x3*u2^(1+q)/(u023^(1+q)+u2^(1+q))*u3-x3*u3
end e y2 x2 q u012 y3 x3 u023
u0 = [0.01,0.01,0.01]
tspan = (0.0,10000.0)
p = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
prob = ODEProblem(f,u0,tspan,p)
using Plots
plot(sol,xlabel = "Time" ,ylabel = "Density", layout = 3,1)
I am trying to create a graph series like this, in Julia. This plot was created in R and took much less time.
It is very probable that I have written something wrong in the plotting instructions. I am new to this and want to learn by doing, but if Julia does not generate plots I cannot experiment
I was able to run some examples from http://docs.juliadiffeq.org/latest/tutorials/ode_example.html#Example-1-:-Solving-Scalar-Equations-1 but now Julia is not responding. What am I doing wrong in running Plot.jl?