Hi everyone!
I am currently trying to solve a simple trajectory optimization problem using pseudospectral collocation or orthogonal collocation.
I have written a simple UAV simulation using JuMP.jl with a moving obstacle where the UAV has to reach the final state in minimum travel time. I discretized the UAV dynamics explicitly using the trapezoidal method.
using JuMP, Ipopt
# Definition of global constants which are used throughout the model.
const gₒ = 9.81 # Acceleration due to gravity (m/s²)
const m = 0.625 # Mass of UAV (kg)
const I_x = 2.3e-3 # Moment of inertia along x-axis (kg·m²)
const I_y = 2.3e-3 # Moment of inertia along y-axis (kg·m²)
const I_z = 2.3e-3 # Moment of inertia along z-axis (kg·m²)
# Initial conditions defined as constants for starting the optimization
const x_s = 0 # Initial x position (m)
const y_s = 0 # Initial y position (m)
const z_s = 30.0 # Initial z position (m)
const v_x_s = 0.0 # Initial x velocity (m/s)
const v_y_s = 0.0 # Initial y velocity (m/s)
const v_z_s = 0.0 # Initial z velocity (m/s)
const ϕ_s = 0.0 # Initial roll angle (rad)
const θ_s = 0.0 # Initial pitch angle (rad)
const ψ_s = 0.0 # Initial yaw angle (rad)
const p_s = 0.0 # Initial roll rate (rad/s)
const q_s = 0.0 # Initial pitch rate (rad/s)
const r_s = 0.0 # Initial yaw rate (rad/s)
# Final conditions defined as constants for ending the optimization
const x_t = 50.0 # Final x position (m)
const y_t = 50.0 # Final y position (m)
const z_t = 0.0 # Final z position (m)
const v_x_t = 0.0 # Final x velocity (m/s)
const v_y_t = 0.0 # Final y velocity (m/s)
const v_z_t = 0.0 # Final z velocity (m/s)
const ϕ_t = 0.0 # Final roll angle (rad)
const θ_t = 0.0 # Final pitch angle (rad)
const ψ_t = 0.0 # Final yaw angle (rad)
const p_t = 0.0 # Final roll rate (rad/s)
const q_t = 0.0 # Final pitch rate (rad/s)
const r_t = 0.0 # Final yaw rate (rad/s)
const epsilon = 0.01 # Minimum time step to avoid too small values
# Number of mesh points used in the optimization, also known as knots
const nₒ = 400
# Model initialization with Ipopt optimizer, passing user options as attributes
model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer))
# Declaration of variables within the model, each defined over the range from 1 to n (number of knots)
@variables(model, begin
0 ≤x[1:nₒ] # x position (m)
0 ≤y[1:nₒ] # y position (m)
0 ≤z[1:nₒ] # z position (m)
-5 ≤ v_x[1:nₒ] ≤ 5 # x velocity (m/s)
-5 ≤ v_y[1:nₒ] ≤ 5 # y velocity (m/s)
-5 ≤ v_z[1:nₒ] ≤ 5 # z velocity (m/s)
-π/2 ≤ ϕ[1:nₒ] ≤ π/2 # roll angle (rad)
-π/2 ≤ θ[1:nₒ] ≤ π/2 # pitch angle (rad)
-π/2 ≤ ψ[1:nₒ] ≤ π/2 # yaw angle (rad)
-2 ≤ p[1:nₒ] ≤ 2 # roll rate (rad/s)
-2 ≤ q[1:nₒ] ≤ 2 # pitch rate (rad/s)
-2 ≤ r[1:nₒ] ≤ 2 # yaw rate (rad/s)
-21 ≤ U₁[1:nₒ] ≤ 21 # control input 1 (N)
-0.67 ≤ U₂[1:nₒ] ≤ 0.67 # control input 2 (N·m)
-0.67 ≤ U₃[1:nₒ] ≤ 0.67 # control input 3 (N·m)
-0.11 ≤ U₄[1:nₒ] ≤ 0.11 # control input 4 (N·m)
Δt[1:nₒ] >= epsilon # time step (s)
# Fixing initial conditions to match specified start points
fix(x[1], x_s; force = true)
fix(y[1], y_s; force = true)
fix(z[1], z_s; force = true)
fix(v_x[1], v_x_s; force = true)
fix(v_y[1], v_y_s; force = true)
fix(v_z[1], v_z_s; force = true)
fix(ϕ[1], ϕ_s; force = true)
fix(θ[1], θ_s; force = true)
fix(ψ[1], ψ_s; force = true)
fix(p[1], p_s; force = true)
fix(q[1], q_s; force = true)
fix(r[1], r_s; force = true)
# Fixing final conditions to ensure the optimization targets are met
fix(x[nₒ], x_t; force = true)
fix(y[nₒ], y_t; force = true)
fix(z[nₒ], z_t; force = true)
fix(v_x[nₒ], v_x_t; force = true)
fix(v_y[nₒ], v_y_t; force = true)
fix(v_z[nₒ], v_z_t; force = true)
fix(ϕ[nₒ], ϕ_t; force = true)
fix(θ[nₒ], θ_t; force = true)
fix(ψ[nₒ], ψ_t; force = true)
fix(p[nₒ], p_t; force = true)
fix(q[nₒ], q_t; force = true)
fix(r[nₒ], r_t; force = true)
# Initial guess strategy using linear interpolation between start and end conditions
function set_initial_guess(model, nₒ)
# Interpolation for state variables
x_vals = LinRange(x_s, x_t, nₒ)
y_vals = LinRange(y_s, y_t, nₒ)
z_vals = LinRange(z_s, z_t, nₒ)
v_x_vals = LinRange(v_x_s, v_x_t, nₒ)
v_y_vals = LinRange(v_y_s, v_y_t, nₒ)
v_z_vals = LinRange(v_z_s, v_z_t, nₒ)
ϕ_vals = LinRange(ϕ_s, ϕ_t, nₒ)
θ_vals = LinRange(θ_s, θ_t, nₒ)
ψ_vals = LinRange(ψ_s, ψ_t, nₒ)
p_vals = LinRange(p_s, p_t, nₒ)
q_vals = LinRange(q_s, q_t, nₒ)
r_vals = LinRange(r_s, r_t, nₒ)
# Set initial guesses for state variables
set_start_value.(model[:x], x_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:y], y_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:z], z_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:v_x], v_x_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:v_y], v_y_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:v_z], v_z_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:ϕ], ϕ_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:θ], θ_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:ψ], ψ_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:p], p_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:q], q_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:r], r_vals)
# Assuming control inputs approach a stable condition, possibly zero
# Interpolating from a middle range to zero if not specifically stated
U₁_vals = LinRange(0, 0, nₒ) # Assuming controls stabilize around zero or any nominal value
U₂_vals = LinRange(0, 0, nₒ)
U₃_vals = LinRange(0, 0, nₒ)
U₄_vals = LinRange(0, 0, nₒ)
# Set initial guesses for control variables
set_start_value.(model[:U₁], U₁_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:U₂], U₂_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:U₃], U₃_vals)
set_start_value.(model[:U₄], U₄_vals)
# Call the function after model and variable declarations
set_initial_guess(model, nₒ)
# Constraints applying the chosen numerical integration method to the motion equations
for j in 2:nₒ
i = j - 1 # index of previous knot
@constraint(model, x[j] == x[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * (v_x[j] + v_x[i]))
@constraint(model, y[j] == y[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * (v_y[j] + v_y[i]))
@constraint(model, z[j] == z[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * (v_z[j] + v_z[i]))
@constraint(model, v_x[j] == v_x[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * (((cos(ϕ[j]) * sin(θ[j]) * cos(ψ[j]) + sin(ϕ[j]) * sin(ψ[j])) * U₁[j] / m + (cos(ϕ[i]) * sin(θ[i]) * cos(ψ[i]) + sin(ϕ[i]) * sin(ψ[i])) * U₁[i] / m)))
@constraint(model, v_y[j] == v_y[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * (((cos(ϕ[j]) * sin(θ[j]) * sin(ψ[j]) - sin(ϕ[j]) * cos(ψ[j])) * U₁[j] / m + (cos(ϕ[i]) * sin(θ[i]) * sin(ψ[i]) - sin(ϕ[i]) * cos(ψ[i])) * U₁[i] / m)))
@constraint(model, v_z[j] == v_z[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * ((-gₒ + (cos(ϕ[j]) * cos(θ[j])) * U₁[j] / m + (cos(ϕ[i]) * cos(θ[i])) * U₁[i] / m)))
@constraint(model, ϕ[j] == ϕ[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * (p[j] + p[i]))
@constraint(model, θ[j] == θ[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * (q[j] + q[i]))
@constraint(model, ψ[j] == ψ[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * (r[j] + r[i]))
@constraint(model, p[j] == p[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * (((U₂[j] + q[j] * (I_y - I_z)) / I_x + (U₂[i] + q[i] * (I_y - I_z)) / I_x)))
@constraint(model, q[j] == q[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * (((U₃[j] + r[j] * (I_z - I_x)) / I_y + (U₃[i] + r[i] * (I_z - I_x)) / I_y)))
@constraint(model, r[j] == r[i] + 0.5 * Δt[i] * (((U₄[j] + p[j] * (I_x - I_y)) / I_z + (U₄[i] + p[i] * (I_x - I_y)) / I_z)))
# Safety distance constant
const safe_distance = 1
# Obstacle Movement Parameters
const obs_start_time = 0
const obs_move_to_landing_start = 1
const obs_landing_start = 2
const obs_move_to_final_start = 6
const obs_final_start = 10
# Obstacle Positions
const obs_initial_pos = (50, 50, 1) # (x, y, z)
const obs_landing_pos = (50, 50, 0)
const obs_final_pos = (0, 0, 30)
# Function to calculate linear interpolation between two points
function interpolate_position(start_pos, end_pos, start_time, end_time, current_time)
if current_time < start_time
return start_pos
elseif current_time > end_time
return end_pos
frac = (current_time - start_time) / (end_time - start_time)
return start_pos + (end_pos - start_pos) * frac
# Function to define the obstacle's x, y, and z position at a given time
function obstacle_position(t)
x, y, z = 0, 0, 0
if t < obs_move_to_landing_start
x, y, z = obs_initial_pos
elseif t < obs_landing_start
x = interpolate_position(obs_initial_pos[1], obs_landing_pos[1], obs_move_to_landing_start, obs_landing_start, t)
y = interpolate_position(obs_initial_pos[2], obs_landing_pos[2], obs_move_to_landing_start, obs_landing_start, t)
z = interpolate_position(obs_initial_pos[3], obs_landing_pos[3], obs_move_to_landing_start, obs_landing_start, t)
elseif t < obs_move_to_final_start
x, y, z = obs_landing_pos
elseif t < obs_final_start
x = interpolate_position(obs_landing_pos[1], obs_final_pos[1], obs_move_to_final_start, obs_final_start, t)
y = interpolate_position(obs_landing_pos[2], obs_final_pos[2], obs_move_to_final_start, obs_final_start, t)
z = interpolate_position(obs_landing_pos[3], obs_final_pos[3], obs_move_to_final_start, obs_final_start, t)
x, y, z = obs_final_pos
return (x, y, z)
# Collision avoidance constraints
for i in 1:nₒ
obs_x, obs_y, obs_z = obstacle_position(i * 0.1)
@constraint(model, (x[i] - obs_x)^2 + (y[i] - obs_y)^2 + (z[i] - obs_z)^2 >= safe_distance^2)
# Objective function to minimize the total time taken to reach the final position
#@objective(model, Min, sum(Δt[i] for i in 1:nₒ))
@objective(model, Min, sum(Δt))
# Running the optimization
if termination_status(model) == MOI.OPTIMAL
println("Optimal solution found.")
elseif termination_status(model) == MOI.LOCALLY_SOLVED
println("Locally optimal solution found.")
elseif termination_status(model) == MOI.INFEASIBLE
println("Problem is infeasible.")
elseif termination_status(model) == MOI.DUAL_INFEASIBLE
println("Problem is dual infeasible.")
elseif termination_status(model) == MOI.UNBOUNDED
println("Problem is unbounded.")
println("No optimal solution found: ", termination_status)
- Is it possible to use pseudospectral collocation or orthogonal collocation with JuMP.jl to solve this problem?
- If yes, can you please give a simple example?
- Are there better packages that are more suitable for this kind of problem?
Thank you!