Hi…here is a script using JuMP for hermite-simpson. You can modify it for your example.
using JuMP
import Ipopt
using GLMakie
dubins = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
vm = 1.0 # Max forward speed
um = 1.0 # Max turning speed
ns = 3 # Number of states
nu = 1 # Number of inputs
n = 200 # Time steps
# System dynamics
function f(x, u)
return [vm*cos(x[3]), vm*sin(x[3]), u[1]]
# Objective Function
function obj_f(x, u, Δt)
return Δt
# Decision variables
@variables(dubins, begin
0 <= Δt <= 0.05 # Time step
# State variables
x[1:3,1:n] # Velocity
# Control variables
-um ≤ u[1:1,1:n] ≤ um # Thrust
# Objective
@objective(dubins, Min, obj_f(x[1:3,1:n], u[1,1:n], Δt))
#Initial conditions
@constraint(dubins, x[1:3, 1] .== [0, 0, -π/2 ] )
# Final conditions
@constraint(dubins, x[1:3, n] == [5.0, 5.0, π/2 + π/4])
# Dynamic constraints: hermite_simpson
for j in 1:n-1
ub = (u[1:nu, j] + u[1:nu, j+1]) / 2
f1 = f(x[1:ns, j], u[1:nu, j])
f2 = f(x[1:ns, j+1], u[1:nu, j+1])
xb = (x[1:ns, j] + x[1:ns, j+1]) / 2 + Δt * (f1 - f2) / 8
fb = f(xb, ub)
@constraint(dubins, x[1:ns, j+1] == x[1:ns, j] + Δt * (f1 + 4 * fb + f2) / 6)
# Solve for the control and state
# Display results
println("Min time: ", objective_value(dubins)*n)
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1], autolimitaspect = 1)
lines!(ax, value.(x[1,1:n]), value.(x[2, 1:n]))
I have an experimental package DirectOptimalControl.jl which allows you to define the problem similar to GPOPS. However, the documentation is limited and there are some limitations with large problems.