@Tomas_Pevny Thanks, that’s helpful. I am now sure how to handle Zygote.grads in the distributed setting. Here is my code:
# MNIST classifier using data-parallel on multiple GPUs
using Distributed
using CUDA
# Include Flux, Zygote, and defines calculation of gradients.
#@everywhere include("/global/homes/r/rkube/source/julia_test/mnist_class_distributed.jl")
@everywhere using Flux
@everywhere using Zygote
@everywhere function grads_now(x, y, mm, pp)
# xx: Batch of images, size (28)x(28)x(1)x(batch_size)
# y: One-hot encoded labels of the image, 0-9
# mm: Flux model
# pp: Parameters of the flux model
loss, back = Zygote.pullback(pp) do
Flux.Losses.binarycrossentropy(y, mm(x))
grads = back(1f0)
using MLDatasets
using Flux.Data: DataLoader
using Zygote
using Flux
num_gpus = 2 #length(devices())
examples_per_worker = 64;
batch_size = examples_per_worker * num_gpus
# Load data
xtrain, ytrain = MLDatasets.MNIST.traindata(Float32);
xtest, ytest = MLDatasets.MNIST.testdata(Float32);
xtrain = reshape(xtrain, (28, 28, 1, :)) |> gpu;
xtest = reshape(xtest, (28, 28, 1, :)) |> gpu;
# One-hot-encode the labels
ytrain = Flux.onehotbatch(ytrain, 0:9) |> gpu;
ytest = Flux.onehotbatch(ytest, 0:9) |> gpu;
# Batching
train_loader = DataLoader((xtrain, ytrain), batchsize=batch_size, shuffle=true);
test_loader = DataLoader((xtest, ytest), batchsize=batch_size);
# Optimizer
opt = ADAM(0.9);
# Define a simple MLP with sigmoid final layer of size 10 for probability
model = Chain(Conv((3, 3), 1=>8, relu),
Conv((3, 3), 8=>16, relu),
Conv((5, 5), 16 =>16, relu),
Conv((5, 5), 16=>16, relu),
x -> flatten(x),
Dense(4096, 10, sigmoid)) |> gpu;
# Extract model params
ps = Flux.params(model);
(x,y) = first(train_loader);
# Split x and y into parts that are sent to each worker
xy_per_worker = [(x[:,:,:, (k-1) * examples_per_worker + 1: k * examples_per_worker],
y[:, (k-1) * examples_per_worker + 1: k * examples_per_worker]) for k ∈ 1:num_gpus]
# Calculate gradients over current example distributed on the worker pool
grads_from_workers = pmap(xy -> grads_now(xy[1], xy[2], model, ps), xy_per_worker)
# Average gradients that we just received from the workers
for p in ps
# Hard-coded for num_gpus=2
grads_from_workers[1][p] = (grads_from_workers[1][p] + grads_from_workers[2][p]) / 2.0
The last loop is inspired from your addgrad
function. Julia throws an error when accessing the elements from grads_from_workers
julia> for p in ps
# Hard-coded for num_gpus=2
grads_from_workers[1][p] = (grads_from_workers[1][p] + grads_from_workers[2][p]) / 2.0
ERROR: KeyError: key [0.26950487 0.09152142 -0.25693536; -0.05512565 -0.0565367 0.26960212; -0.081430614 -0.18807764 -0.07629797;;;; -0.04641332 -0.10099426 0.039984215; 0.19868578 -0.059893914 0.13311733; -0.029146401 -0.15549782 0.13652915;;;; -0.26943153 0.24420884 0.22624107; 0.107807994 0.25059542 0.053223163; -0.19172552 0.11626054 -0.250573;;;; 0.09726549 -0.11461907 -0.21769923; 0.09831371 -0.16952133 -0.2452086; 0.012307492 -0.1203438 -0.20718424;;;; 0.07682779 -0.0055676983 0.008418384; -0.090335764 0.038072642 -0.23139168; -0.1753688 -0.17191374 0.07041458;;;; 0.1565108 0.25166494 0.05122282; 0.057927087 0.14263465 -0.2567391; 0.01940246 -0.09167486 0.2549128;;;; 0.00838662 0.12844574 0.2326228; 0.025148213 0.244805 -0.09040289; -0.05097455 -0.040772133 -0.017126724;;;; -0.13500807 0.00867979 -0.23491067; 0.10669534 0.14557783 -0.16608055; -0.032498617 0.0036792245 0.14004922] not found
[1] getindex
@ ./iddict.jl:108 [inlined]
[2] getindex(gs::Zygote.Grads, x::CuArray{Float32, 4, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer})
@ Zygote ~/.julia/packages/Zygote/kUefI/src/compiler/interface.jl:274
[3] top-level scope
@ ./REPL[2]:3
When I run this code on a single CPU, accessing the gradients works fine like this:
julia> gg = grads_now(x, y, model, ps);
julia> gg[ps[1]]
3×3×1×8 Array{Float32, 4}:
[:, :, 1, 1] =
0.0441429 0.0318292 0.0203954
0.0292745 0.015554 0.0153562
0.0194541 0.00176881 -0.00113646