I am trying to train a neural network which is a part of a PDE, I am solving the PDE with MOL and ODE solve. Below is the forward pass i.e getting the solution with ODE solve which runs fine.
import ModelingToolkit: Interval, infimum, supremum
using DiffEqSensitivity
using OrdinaryDiffEq, ModelingToolkit, MethodOfLines, DomainSets
using Plots, Flux
using Interpolations
x_dom = 0:0.1:2
dim = 1
net = Flux.Chain(Dense(dim,16,Flux.σ),Dense(16,16,Flux.σ),Dense(16,1))
p = Flux.params(net)
# p, re = Flux.destructure(net)
A = [net([x1])[1] for x1 in x_dom]
itp = interpolate(A, BSpline(Cubic(Line(OnGrid()))))
itps = scale(itp, x_dom)
net_func(x) = itps(x)
@parameters t x
@variables u(..)
@register_symbolic net_func(x)
Dxx = Differential(x)^2
Dt = Differential(t)
t_min= 0.
t_max = 2.0
x_min = 0.
x_max = 2.
y_min = 0.
y_max = 2.
dim = 2
eq = Dt(u(t,x)) ~ Dxx(u(t,x)) + net_func(x)
bcs = [u(t_min,x) ~ sin(2*pi*x),
u(t,x_min) ~ 0.0,
u(t,x_max) ~ 1.0]
domains = [t ∈ Interval(t_min,t_max),
x ∈ Interval(x_min,x_max)]
dx = 0.1
order = 2
discretization = MOLFiniteDifference([x => dx], t, approx_order=order)
@named pde_system = PDESystem(eq,bcs,domains,[t,x],[u(t, x)])
prob = discretize(pde_system,discretization)
sol = solve(prob, p = p, Tsit5(), saveat=0.1)
However, I am not able to train this network, below is the code for the loss function I am using, which is chosen just to see if a backward pass is possible or not.
function predict_sol()
Array(solve(prob,Tsit5(),p = p, progress=true))
function loss_func()
_sol = predict_sol()
loss = sum(abs2,_sol)
@show loss
data = Iterators.repeated((), 2)
opt = ADAM(0.025)
Flux.train!(loss_func, p, data, opt)
I am curious if it is possible to train a network within MOL framework if so, then can someone help me figure out where I might be wrong?