Thanks, I downloaded the tar.gz file from the link given in your post and then tried to build GR after putting it in the “…/deps/download” folder. It still went on to download tar.gz file. I then modified the “…/dep/build.jl” and commented out code as per the following and then build GR. The build was quick.
version = get_version()
tarball = "gr-$version-$os-$arch.tar.gz"
# rm("downloads", force=true, recursive=true)
@info("Downloading pre-compiled GR $version $os binary")
# mkpath("downloads")
# file = "downloads/$tarball"
# try
# # url = "github.com/sciapp/gr/releases/download/v$version/$tarball"
# url ="gr-framework.org/downloads/$tarball"
# download("http://$url", file)
# catch
# url = "gr-framework.org/downloads/$tarball"
# try
# download("http://$url", file)
# catch
# @info("Using insecure connection")
# try
# download("http://$url", file)
# catch
# @info("Cannot download GR run-time")
# end
# end
# end
if os == :Windows
home = (VERSION < v"0.7-") ? JULIA_HOME : Sys.BINDIR
success(`$home/7z x downloads/$tarball -y`)
# rm("downloads/$tarball")
tarball = tarball[1:end-3]
success(`$home/7z x $tarball -y -ttar`)
# rm(tarball)
run(`tar xzf downloads/$tarball`)
julia> @time Pkg.build("GR")
Building GR → `C:\Users\chatura\.julia\packages\GR\Q8slp\deps\build.log`
3.576517 seconds (914.80 k allocations: 46.154 MiB, 0.23% gc time)