I’m trying to use BifurcationKit.jl to continue a periodic orbit in a 2d dynamical system. Currently, I’m seeing “too many” bifurcation points marked, i.e. blue points marked “bp” appear where the system does not change stability. Looking at the eigenvalues, it looks like these blue dots come from places the eigenvalue at (0,0), which is always there because it is a periodic orbit, cross zero due to numerical error.
The only parameter change which “fixes” the problem that I have found is setting “tol_stability = 10^-1”.
Code below:
fuusing Revise, Plots
using BifurcationKit
const BK = BifurcationKit
using DifferentialEquationsfunction cycle_2!(du, X, p, t = 0)
(;wEE_self, wEE, wEI, wIE, wII, tau_E, tau_I, b) = p
x1, x2 = X
du[1] =(1/tau_E)* (-x1 + max(0, wEE_selfx1 + wEI * x2 + b))
du[2] = (1/tau_I)(-x2 + max(0, wIE * x1 + wII * x2))
endpar_cycle = (wEE_self =1.5, wEE = .75 , wEI = -1.5, wIE = 2.0, wII = -1.0, tau_E = 1.0, tau_I = 1.0, b = 1.0)
recordFromSolution(x, p; k…) = (u1 = x[1], u2 = x[2])
prob = BifurcationProblem(cycle_2!, z0, par_cycle,
specify the continuation parameter
(@optic _.tau_I), record_from_solution = recordFromSolution)
opts_br = ContinuationPar(p_min = 0.5, p_max = 8.0, dsmax = 0.01,
number of eigenvalues
nev = 2,
maximum number of continuation steps
max_steps = 10000,)
br = continuation(prob, PALC(tangent=Bordered()), opts_br; normC = norminf)
par_cycle = (wEE_self =1.5, wEE = .75 , wEI = -1.5, wIE = 2.0, wII = -1.0, tau_E = 1.0, tau_I = 3.9, b = 1.0)
z0 = [1.5, 1.5]
prob = BifurcationProblem(cycle_2!, z0, par_cycle, (@optic _.tau_I);
record_from_solution = (x, p; k…) → (x = x[1], y = x[2]))prob_de = ODEProblem(cycle_2!, z0, (0,9.8), par_cycle)
sol = DifferentialEquations.solve(prob_de, Rodas5())arguments for periodic orbitsœ
one function to record information and one
function for plotting
args_po = ( record_from_solution = (x, p; k…) → begin
xtt = get_periodic_orbit(p.prob, x, p.p)
return (max = maximum(xtt[1,:]),
min = minimum(xtt[1,:]),
period = getperiod(p.prob, x, p.p))
plot_solution = (x, p; k…) → begin
xtt = get_periodic_orbit(p.prob, x, p.p)
arg = (marker = :d, markersize = 1)
plot!(xtt.t, xtt[1,:]; label = “ext”, arg…, k…)
plot!(xtt.t, xtt[2,:]; label = “inh”, arg…, k…)
plot!(br; subplot = 1, putspecialptlegend = false)
end,we use the supremum norm
normC = norminf)
probtrap, ci = BK.generate_ci_problem(PeriodicOrbitTrapProblem(M = 300),
prob, sol, 9.8)opts_br = ContinuationPar(p_min = 0.01, p_max = 8.0, ds =-0.002, dsmax = 0.01)
opts_po_cont = ContinuationPar(opts_br, max_steps = 1000, tol_stability = 1e-3)
brpo_fold = continuation(probtrap, ci, PALC(), opts_po_cont;
verbosity = 3, plot = true,