f(x) = sin(x)cos(x)sin(x)cos(x)
X = repeat( [randn(10^7)], 5 )
@time for x in X; map(f,x) end # 1.0s
@time Threads.@threads for x in X; map(f,x) end # 0.3s
@time Threads.@threads for x in X; vmap(f,x) end # 0.1s
It is a bit difficult to grasp what you are asking for. Your example code does not produce any output. So it can be be replaced with nothing, which typically executes in 0.0 seconds.
There are good reasons that we need to know a bit more about the problem, because one of the things that matters when using threads is which results should be accumulated. Is it a short computation inside the loop, a long computation? There are some general advice, and there are some methods which works on particular types of code.