I’m having trouble with a parallelized for loop that replaces the values of a sparse matrix. Here is a simple example that reproduces the error:
using SparseArrays
function test(θ,Ŵ_prime,Ŵ)
value, index = findmax((θ.^(0.5)).*(Ŵ_prime.-Ŵ))
return (value = value[1], index = index)
gridsize = 100
θ_vec = ones(gridsize)
Ŵsol = rand(gridsize)
A_θ_e_new = spzeros(Float64,gridsize,gridsize)
Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(Ŵsol)
idx = test(θ_vec,Ŵsol,Ŵsol[i])[2]
A_θ_e_new[i,idx] = 1.0
This produces the following error message:
nested task error: BoundsError: attempt to access 77-element Vector{Int64} at index [59]
However, if I changed the sparse matrix
A_θ_e_new = spzeros(Float64,gridsize,gridsize)
for the dense matrix
A_θ_e_new = zeros(Float64,gridsize,gridsize)
the code seems to work well. Any suggestion for what is causing the error? Thank you!