The Problem with Julia that makes me want to leave - First run Times

Which is precisely what I think… and… yeah, you’re right too. This reminds me of my talk to one of the creators of a public repo… Starlight.jl. An “abandoned” Julia package that was only one of it’s kind…

And ig, for a little while I had forgotten my takeaways. Thank you for reminding me…
Everything serves it’s own purpose. Julia has it’s own one. Remote from what languages like python do. Julia, very specifically is a scientific programming language. And it serves that purpose well!

Ig it’s my own fault, and my love for the language… this environment… that I wish to fit this to all use cases. And when I realise somethings not correct, I throw up. Idk… Stubborn aghhh! I’m sorry… although, as stubborn as I am, I would STILL wish to one day, see Julia being used for everything. I know it’s a challenge, not to yap about it. I would be more that willing to contribute myself, if only I had the skills!

I didn’t mean to annoy anyone… sorry. A habit of speaking things up cuz of Reddit heh.