Dear all,
I have been using Julia for about three weeks now and, to my understanding, she uses a column-major matrix storage system. That would also mean, if I get things right, that loops which access matrix entries in a way that inner-most loops browse over columns (second index, right?) should be more efficient than the other way around.
However, that is not what I observe in my numerical experiments. This fraction of the code shows a typical construct I use in my Julia program:
NC = 40000000
bu = ones(3,NC); fc = ones(3,NC); fu = ones(3,NC)
γ1 = 0.73; γ2 = 1.0 -γ1
function F(bu :: Matrix{Float64},
fc :: Matrix{Float64},
fu :: Matrix{Float64},
γ1 :: Float64,
γ2 :: Float64,
NT :: Int64)
@time for i = 1 : NT
for j = 1 : 3
bu[j,i] = bu[j,i] + γ1 * fc[j,i] + γ2 * fu[j,i]
println("Invoke with: F(bu, fc, fu, γ1, γ2, NC)")
Which gives me times in the range of 0.24 seconds. The above fraction of the code uses inner-most loop j
to browse over rows (first index) so it should be inefficient. However, if I rewrite this piece of code so that inner-most loop browses over columns (second index) like this:
NC = 40000000
bu = ones(NC,3); fc = ones(NC,3); fu = ones(NC,3)
γ1 = 0.73; γ2 = 1.0 -γ1
function F(bu :: Matrix{Float64},
fc :: Matrix{Float64},
fu :: Matrix{Float64},
γ1 :: Float64,
γ2 :: Float64,
NT :: Int64)
@time for i = 1 : NT
for j = 1 : 3
bu[i,j] = bu[i,j] + γ1 * fc[i,j] + γ2 * fu[i,j]
println("Invoke with: F(bu, fc, fu, γ1, γ2, NC)")
I am consistently slower by some 20%, i.e. the execution times are in the order of 0.3 s.
What is going on here? Am I confusing columns with rows?
Please let me know what you think?