I am not able to beat Fortran using Julia. This is the time spent by the algorithm using these two languages:
Fortran 0m 42s
Julia 4m 33s
As you can see, Julia takes 6.5 times the time Fortran takes to solve the problem.
What is this algorithm about?
There is a planet whose years have n_days days. In this planet there are n_people
people, so, calculates in extent all possible cases. What is the probability that two people
were born on the same day?
As you may know, in probability theory, the birthday problem or birthday paradox
concerns the probability that, in a set of n randomly chosen people, some
pair of them will have the same birthday. Wikipedia
The probability problem has a well known solution but this algorithm gets all
possibilities where two or more people have been born the same day.
Data structure
This is the vector v. Its size is equal to the number of people in the planet.
Each item in the vector represents the day each person was born. So an example:
Person: 1 2 3 4 5 ... n_people
Vector:: v | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 6 | ... | 5 |
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Day of birthday
size(v) == n_people
v[1] == Day of the year in which person 1 was born
v[2] == Day of the year in which person 2 was born
v[n] == Day of the year in which person 'n' was born
The numbers in the vector are in the range `1...n_days`
The process
It consists in testing all combinations in the vector v and test if there are two or more
people who were born the same day.
Any idea what can do to increase dramatically the Julia speed?
I have been recommended to use static arrays, but I am not sure if this is a real solution, as I understand, Julia detects the size of the array passed as argument. I am not sure.
# Process: Test all combination in the vector v
for j::Int64 = 1:div(total,100):total
for i::Int64 = j:j+div(total,100)-1
if same_day(v, n_people)
n_coincidences += 1
add1_recursive(v, n_people, n_people, n_days)
#add1_iterative(v, n_people, n_days)
percent += 1
println(percent, "%")
Why do you run same_day(v, n_people) and add1_recursive(v, n_people, n_people, n_days), which are unrelated to the loop, inside the loop?
add1_recursive increments v, treating it as an n_people-digit integer in base n_days. The two loops are just iterating over all possible values of that n_people-digit integer. It looks like the division into an inner and outer loop is just to allow the code to print a progress indicator every time it completes 1% of the total iteration. By the way, @profesor_s the GitHub - timholy/ProgressMeter.jl: Progress meter for long-running computations package provides a really nice way to do that sort of thing in Julia.
In addition to checking the algorithm, did you read Performance Tips · The Julia Language? If you want to write high-performance code in Julia you must know this page by heart. Your add1_recursive is type-unstable:
I tried a couple of basic tricks to see what kind of improvement I could get. For testing, I set n_days=20 and removed all the printouts so that we can run benchmarks quickly. Here’s a baseline:
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime main()
39.061 ms (1 allocation: 128 bytes)
Moving the bounds checks in same_day out of the loop helps a little bit:
function same_day(v, n_people)
@boundscheck(n_people >= firstindex(v) && n_people <= lastindex(v) || throw(BoundsError()))
@inbounds for i = 1:n_people-1
for j = i+1:n_people
if v[i] == v[j] # If there are not more combinations
return true
return false
julia> @btime main()
37.543 ms (1 allocation: 128 bytes)
Also, from a stylistic perspective, you are passing vandn_people into all of your functions, even though we know that n_people is defined to be the length of v. There’s no reason to do this in Julia, and it doesn’t help performance at all. The only thing it does is create an opportunity for mistakes if you accidentally pass in a n_people which is not the length of v.
Instead, just pass v and then use length(v) inside the function as necessary. For example:
# Are there two people who where born the same day?
function same_day(v)
n_people = length(v)
@boundscheck(n_people >= firstindex(v) && n_people <= lastindex(v) || throw(BoundsError()))
@inbounds for i = 1:n_people-1
for j = i+1:n_people
if v[i] == v[j] # If there are not more combinations
return true
return false
Getting the inner loop to unroll seemed to help a bunch; with v as a MVector, using this definition
using Unrolled
@unroll function same_day(v)
for i=1:length(v)-1
vi = v[i]
@unroll for j = 1:length(v)
if (i < j) && vi == v[j] # If there are not more combinations
return true
return false
got it down to 35 seconds for me.
Full code
const n_days = 100
const n_people = 5
const total = n_days^n_people
using ProgressMeter, StaticArrays
function main()
# Setup variables
v = @MArray ones(Int, n_people)
n_coincidences::Int64 = 0
# Process: Test all combination in the vector v
@showprogress for j::Int64 = 1:div(total,100):total
for i::Int64 = j:j+div(total,100)-1
if same_day(v)
n_coincidences += 1
# add1_recursive(v, n_people, n_days)
add1_iterative(v, n_days)
# Show results
println("Coincidences ", n_coincidences, "/", total, "=", n_coincidences/total*100,"%")
function add1_iterative(v, n_days)
n_people = length(v)
# v(p). Increment position p
# v is the vector with birthdays
p = n_people
for i = n_people:-1:1
if v[i] < n_days
p = i
v[i] = 1
# If there are not more combinations
if p == 1 && v[1] == n_days
# Next combination in the vector
v[p] += 1
return nothing
function add1_recursive(v, p, n_days)
n_people = length(v)
# v(p). Increment position p
# v is the vector with birthdays
# Look for the first figure that can be incremented
# `p` is the index position that must be increased v(p)
if p < 1
elseif v[p] != n_days
v[p] += 1
v[p] = 1
add1_recursive(v, p-1, n_days)
return nothing
using Unrolled
@unroll function same_day(v)
for i=1:length(v)-1
vi = v[i]
@unroll for j = 1:length(v)
if (i < j) && vi == v[j] # If there are not more combinations
return true
return false
The main area where we don’t optimize as well as gcc is recursive inlining. So you have to do that yourself.
const n_days = 100
const n_people = 5
const total = n_days^n_people
function main()
# Setup variables
v = ones(Int, n_people)
n_coincidences = 0
percent = 0
# Process: Test all combination in the vector v
for j = 1:div(total,100):total
for i = j:j + div(total,100)-1
if same_day(v, n_people)
n_coincidences += 1
add1_recursive(v, n_people, n_people, n_days)
percent += 1
println(percent, "%")
# Show results
println("Coincidences ", n_coincidences, "/", total, "=", n_coincidences/total*100,"%")
# Compute next iteration in the vector `v` of birthdays
@inline function add1_recursive(v, p, n_people, n_days)
# `v` is the vector with birthdays
# `p` is the index position that must be increased v[p]+=1
@label start
@inbounds if p < 1
elseif v[p] != n_days
v[p] += 1
v[p] = 1
p = p - 1
@goto start
# Are there two people who where born the same day?
@inline function same_day(v, n_people)
@inbounds for i = 1:n_people-1
for j = i+1:n_people
if v[i] == v[j] # There are two people who were born same day
return true
return false
This get me from 120s to 37s.
The inline is also something a C/fortran compiler can easily do since it sees all the caller whereas in julia it’s much less clear if it’ll be benefical, hence the @inline.
Awkward, but I do get better performance out of this:
julia> @generated function same_day(v, ::Val{n_people}) where {n_people}
q = Expr(:block); for i = 1:n_people-1
for j = i+1:n_people
push!(q.args, :(v[$i] == v[$j] && return true))
@inbounds begin
same_day (generic function with 3 methods)
julia> @inline function add1_recursive(v, p, n_people, n_days)
# `v` is the vector with birthdays
# `p` is the index position that must be increased v[p]+=1
@inbounds while true;
if p < 1
elseif v[p] != n_days
v[p] += 1; return
v[p] = 1
p -= 1
add1_recursive (generic function with 1 method)
You then need to call same_day(v, Val(n_people)) inside main.
With this, I got:
Coincidences 965497600/10000000000=9.654976%
20.213654 seconds (1.15 k allocations: 35.359 KiB)
Versus gfortran:
Coincidences 965497600 / 10000000000 = 9.65%
Executed in 16.86 secs fish external
usr time 16.85 secs 229.00 micros 16.85 secs
sys time 0.00 secs 76.00 micros 0.00 secs
It looks like this is measuring compile time in Julia but not in Fortran. You might want to measure it in both or measure it in neither, but measuring it in one but not the other is a bit odd.
I may have missed an explanation but is there a reason that you are trying to calculate the probability of a repeated birthday by enumeration? This is the classic example in an elementary probability course of showing that sometimes it is easier to evaluate the probability of the complement (i.e. no repeated birthdays) than trying to evaluate the probability of one or more repetitions.
In R there are functions pbirthday and qbirthday for evaluating the cumulative probability and its inverse, the quantile function. In Julia the probability of a repeated birthday in n_people in a year of n_days can be evaluated as
julia> pbirthday(n_people, n_days) = 1 - prod((n_days:-1:(n_days - n_people + 1)) ./ n_days)
pbirthday (generic function with 1 method)
julia> pbirthday(20, 365) # prob of rep. birthday in random group of 20 people
Hi again. When I began with it I was conscious it is a benchmark not a utility app.
The formula to obtain this probability is well known but it is not the goal of this code to get the probability (the number) but all the sequences that fulfill the goal.