Cannot create a layout that a 3D-LScene
with a colorful background placed over a Box
placeholder filled with another colorful background.
This post point out 2 problems:
- the display sequence of
is always priorior toLScene.scene.backgroundcolor
- CANNOT change the background(either black or white) of a 3D plot in LScene
Some posts related to the 2nd problem:
- Make - How to change the color of axes & grids in LScene?
- Changing the background color of a 3D Scene in Makie - #4 by lazarusA
Codes below are modified from How to draw boxes around subfigures | Makie
using GLMakie
# using WGLMakie
# WGLMakie.activate!()
# using CairoMakie
# CairoMakie.activate!()
f = Figure(size=(1920, 1080),)
# g12 =
g1 = GridLayout(f[1, 1], width=200, height=650, alignmode=Outside(15))
g2 = GridLayout(f[1, 2], width=200, height=650, alignmode=Outside(15))
box1 = Box(f[1, 1], cornerradius=10, color=(:tomato, 0.5), strokecolor=:transparent)
box11 = Box(g1[1, 1], cornerradius=10, color=(:tomato, 1), strokecolor=:transparent)
box2 = Box(f[1, 2], cornerradius=10, color=(:teal, 0.5), strokecolor=:transparent)
# move the boxes back so the Axis background polys are in front of them
Makie.translate!(box1.blockscene, 0, 0, -100)
Makie.translate!(box2.blockscene, 0, 0, -100)
ax11 = LScene(g1[1, 1])
# Makie.translate!(ax11.scene, 0, 0, 100)
Axis(g1[2, 1])
Axis(g1[3, 1], backgroundcolor=:white)
# Box(f[1, 1], cornerradius=10, color=(:tomato, 0.5), strokecolor=:transparent)
# Makie.translate!(box1.blockscene, 0, 0, -1)
# ax11.scene.clear=true
ax11.blockscene.backgroundcolor = RGBAf(0,0,1,0.5)
Makie.translate!(ax11.blockscene, 0, 0, 1)
# ax11.scene.attributes[:background] = :purple
Axis(g2[1, 1])
Axis(g2[2, 1])
Axis(g2[3, 1])
line_width = 2.0f0
circle_size = 40.0f0
# 添加 起点终点 所决定的 箭头
e0 = Point3f(0, 0, 0)
ex = Point3f(1, 0, 0) # x轴正方向
ey = Point3f(0, 1, 0) # y轴正方向
ez = Point3f(0, 0, 1) # z轴正方向
arrow_head_branch = 0.1f0 # 使用浮点数后缀 f0 来指定 Float32 类型
e_x = Point3f(arrow_head_branch, 0, 0) # x轴正方向
e_y = Point3f(0, arrow_head_branch, 0) # y轴正方向
e_z = Point3f(0, 0, arrow_head_branch) # z轴正方向
linesegments!(ax11, [e0, ex], color=[:red, :red], linewidth=line_width)
linesegments!(ax11, [e0, ey], color=[:green, :green], linewidth=line_width)
linesegments!(ax11, [e0, ez], color=[:blue, :blue], linewidth=line_width)
linesegments!(ax11, [e0, ex], color=[:red, :red], linewidth=line_width)
linesegments!(ax11, [e0, ey], color=[:green, :green], linewidth=line_width)
linesegments!(ax11, [e0, ez], color=[:blue, :blue], linewidth=line_width)
scatter!(ax11, ex, color=:red, markersize=circle_size)
scatter!(ax11, -ex, color=(:red, 0), markersize=circle_size - line_width * 3.0f0,
strokewidth=line_width, strokecolor=:red)
scatter!(ax11, ey, color=:green, markersize=circle_size)
scatter!(ax11, -ey, color=(:green, 0), markersize=circle_size - line_width * 3.0f0,
strokewidth=line_width, strokecolor=:green)
scatter!(ax11, ez, color=:blue, markersize=circle_size)
scatter!(ax11, -ez, color=(:blue, 0), markersize=circle_size - line_width * 3.0f0,
strokewidth=line_width, strokecolor=:blue)
# ax11.scene.attributes[:background] = :black # 设置为黑色背景
# ax11.scene.clear = true # 确保清除背景以应用颜色
# Makie.translate!(a.scene, 0, 0, 100)
# DataInspector(scene = current_figure())
Label(f[0, :], "Two boxes indicate groups of axes that belong together")
There’s a 3D LScene behind the first subplot: can we display it in the front/first layer?