Change color of 'walls' in Axis3 in Makie

Using Makie, I want to group some subfigures together with colored boxes as described here: How to draw boxes around subfigures | Makie. However, some of the subfigures are 3d plots, and the ‘walls’ and ‘floor’ of the Axis3 are transparent, taking on whatever color the background is. I know the ‘walls’ and ‘floor’ don’t actually exist, but I would like to try to color them white, like I’ve roughly sketched manually (using paint) here:

One potential way to do this would be to draw a white 2D polygon that has the same outline of the 3D ‘box’ behind the 3D plot. But I don’t know how to get the projected 2D coordinates from the Axis3 object.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this would be welcome.

They exist, they are just transparent by default

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Excellent, thank you! I somehow missed that attribute when scrolling through the help for Axis3.