Text Analysis: Does anybody know a package (Julia, Python) to parse a sentence to subject, verb, object?
Thank you for any useful information.
Text Analysis: Does anybody know a package (Julia, Python) to parse a sentence to subject, verb, object?
Thank you for any useful information.
I think the go to for that would be the coreNLP package, but its written in Java. I had a go at using JCall to wrap it but failed. I do have GitHub - bramtayl/ParseTrees.jl: Grow and carve parse trees for English sentences posted but its unpublished. It works by controlling coreNLP through the command line.
Have you looked at GitHub - JuliaText/TextAnalysis.jl: Julia package for text analysis?
Yes, I have looked it.
I can’t help to parse a sentence to a subject, verb, object …
Check out spaCy (python). POS tagging/labelling can be found in deep learning tutorials. Pytorch lstm… Which might be a fun project to transfer to knet or flux… Check out this one for POS tagging with Julia using Merlin.jl
One possible way to do Part-of-Speech analysis is PoSTagger from package TextModels as below
using TextModels
using TextAnalysis
str = "Andrew finds the house very beautiful"
sd = StringDocument(str)
pos = PoSTagger()
I didn’t manage to make it work with French so far, but with English it works