TensorOperations and Array structures

I am about 2 days into Julia, and I would like to implement some simple operations related to tensor contraction as a learning task. It looks like TensorOperations should help, and for 2x2 tensors I can successfully evaluate a double dot product to get the expected scalar output:

uu = [ 1 2 ; 3 4 ]
vv = [ -1 -1 ; -1 -1]
using TensorOperations

@tensor begin
   a := scalar(uu[a,b]*vv[b,a])
print("a=  ",a,"\n")

However, my specific tasks requires using rank 1 vectors, and I cannot get this to work. To illustrate the general idea, I tried:

using TensorOperations 
pp =  [ 1 ; 2 ; 3] 

aa = [ -1 -2 -3]
@tensor begin 
    cc[a,c,1] := pp[a]*aa[c,1]
    dd := scalar(aa[a]*pp[a,1])

The first result (outer product) to get cc works, but I cannot get the inner product to work. The questions are:

  1. Why do I need the 1 in the index list for aa and cc for the calculation of cc?
  2. How can I get the result with a vector? Is there a better more Julia-like approach?

Thanks in advance for tips!

Neither of these solutions is great, but…
Creates a scalar, via taking a view or using vec to flatten aa.

@tensor begin 
    cc[a,c,1] := pp[a]*aa[c,1]
    dd := scalar(@view(aa[:,])[a]*pp[a])
@tensor begin 
    cc[a,c,1] := pp[a]*aa[c,1]
    dd := scalar(vec(aa)[a]*pp[a])

Stores the result in a vector named dd, but this is explicitly what you weren’t asking for:

@tensor begin 
    cc[a,c,1] := pp[a]*aa[c,1]
    dd[b] := aa[b,a]*pp[a]

Btw, aa is rank 2 (a 1x3 matrix). If you want column and row vectors:

julia> aa
1Ă—3 Array{Int64,2}:
 -1  -2  -3

julia> aar1 = vec(aa)
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> aar1'
1Ă—3 RowVector{Int64,Array{Int64,1}}:
 -1  -2  -3

Note that vec does not allocate new memory:

julia> aar1[2] *= 3

julia> aa
1Ă—3 Array{Int64,2}:
 -1  -6  -3

Thanks - this is very helpful and helps eliminate some of my confusion. I am still trying to understand though what the 1 does in the list of indices in lines like:

    cc[a,c,1] := pp[a]*aa[c,1]

I did discover that I could get my inner product to work correctly by

using TensorOperations 
pp =  [ 1  2  3] 

aa = [ -1 -2 -3]

@tensor begin
    dd := scalar(aa[1,b]*pp'[b,1])

numbers and letters are equally treated as valid index identifiers, so there is no difference between the role of a, c and 1 within those square brackets. I think your main source of confusion comes from specifying vectors as pp = [ 1 2 3] , which makes them row vectors, actually row matrices, i.e. two-index objects with dimension one having length 1 and dimension 2 having length 3. A simple (column) vector in julia can be entered as pp = [1, 2, 3], which is a single index object with length 3. So you could do

using TensorOperations 
pp =  [ 1,  2,  3] 

aa = [ -1, -2, -3]

@tensor begin
    inner := scalar(aa[b]*conj(pp[b])
    outer[a,b] := aa[a] * conj(pp[b])

Also, think of this @tensor notation as really being what you would write in index notation. Preferably, don’t write pp'[b] but ratther conj(pp[b]).

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This is very helpful - the example helps me to wrap my head around the expected initialization of the simple vectors and the inner & outer products. Just added another “)” at the end of the line setting inner :grinning:

Thanks for the clear examples.