Tabular data processing benchmark & Python+Pandas

Benchmark β€” (Python+Pandas) && (Julia +JuliaDB)

  • Aim of the benchmark
    This benchmark aims to evaluate the Julia code using real-world data from the perspective of a normal user (not expert from computing science ). Hope it could be useful to improve the Language and package.

  • Data source
    Transit network data of New York (Open Data).

  • Data processing task
    Extract the points on the bus routes between every pair of the consequential bus stops.

  • About the code
    Currently, both Python and Julia code are not optimized. In the future, the Julia version will be optimized and all old versions will be recorded for the comparison purpose. The Python code will not be optimized as the benchmark.

  • Complete source code and Data
    (GitHub - zhangliye/juliabenchmark: benchmark for Julia language)

1 Test and Results

The two version of code implement the same algorithm. Firstly, the algorithm is implemented using Python. Then, the Python code is translated to Julia almost line by line.

# It should be noted that both version of the code are not optimized with much effort.

The data operation mainly includes

  • Open the CSV file
  • Table data operation (iteration, selection)
  • Operation on Dict, Tuple and Vector data structure

Tabel 1- Data structure and tabular data package used

Python 3.6.5 Julia 1.02
Package for tabular data Pandas 0.23 JuliaDB 0.10
List [x1,x2,…] Vector{T}()
Dict {k1:V1, …} Dict{T1,T2}()
Tuple (v1,…) Tuple{T1,T2}()

Performance comparison on processing 500 rows of data.
Table 2 - Julia code of version 1 (second)

Task Python 3.6.5 Julia 1.02 Julia 1.02 (precompile)
open shapes.txt 0.07 22.87 0.0368 :heavy_check_mark:
Open stop_times.txt 1.37 6.54 1.178 :heavy_check_mark:
Open trips.txt 0.06 1.41 0.037 :heavy_check_mark:
Open stops.txt 0.01 2.72 0.002 :heavy_check_mark:
extract segment 38.96 :heavy_check_mark: 156.07 94.84
  • Experiment environment
    Julia Version 1.0.2
    Commit d789231e99 (2018-11-08 20:11 UTC)
    Platform Info:
    OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
    CPU: Intel(R) Coreβ„’ i7-7600U CPU @ 2.80GHz
    WORD_SIZE: 64
    LIBM: libopenlibm
    LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.0 (ORCJIT, skylake)

2 How to run the test on your machine?

  • Step1: Download the code and data
$ git clone
  • Step 2: Active the project
$ cd juliabenchmark/tablebenchmark
$ julia
(tablebenchmark) pkg> activate .
  • Step 3: Run julia code test
(tablebenchmark) pkg> test
  • Step 4: Run Python code test
$python ./src/

3 Source code

3.1 Data and code on Github

(GitHub - zhangliye/juliabenchmark: benchmark for Julia language)

3.2 Python Version Code (

import math
import sys
import pandas as pd

def get_stop_pos(frm_stop, stop_id):
    "returnt [(lon,lat),...] of the give `stop_id`"
    sub_frm = frm_stop[frm_stop['stop_id']==stop_id]
    if sub_frm.shape[0]>0:
        return (sub_frm.iloc[0]['stop_lon'], sub_frm.iloc[0]['stop_lat'])
        return None

## get shape id
def get_shape(frm_trip, trip_id):
    "return `shape_id` of the given `trip_id`"
    sub_frm = frm_trip[frm_trip["trip_id"]==trip_id]
    if sub_frm.shape[0] > 0:
        return sub_frm.iloc[0]['shape_id']  # return the first row value
        return None

# get stops of shapes
def get_stops(frm_st, trip_id):
    "return [stop_id1, ...] of the given `trip_id`"
    stops = []
    sub_frm = frm_st[frm_st["trip_id"]==trip_id]
    for i in range(sub_frm.shape[0]):
        stops.append( sub_frm.iloc[i]['stop_id'] )
    return stops

# get shape points
def get_points(frm_shape, shape_id):
    pts = []
    sub_frm = frm_shape[frm_shape["shape_id"]==shape_id]
    for i in range(sub_frm.shape[0]):
        pts.append( (sub_frm.iloc[i]['shape_pt_lon'], sub_frm.iloc[i]['shape_pt_lat'])  )
    return pts

def dist_meter(pt1, pt2):
    """pt1-(lon,lat), pt2-(lon, lat)"""
    dst = math.sqrt( (pt1[0]-pt2[0])**2 + (pt1[1]-pt2[1])**2 )
    return dst*110*1000

def nearest_pos(pt, shape_pts):
    dst_near = sys.maxsize
    idx = -1
    for i in range(len(shape_pts)):
        dst = dist_meter(pt, shape_pts[i])
        if dst<dst_near:
            dst_near = dst
            idx = i
    return (idx, dst_near)

def process_trip(segements, stops, stop_pts, shape_pts, max_dist=300):
    segements: {(from_id, to_id):[(x1, y1),...], ...}
    stops: [stop_id1,...]
    stop_pts: [(x1,y1), ...]
    stop_pts: [(x1,y1), ...]
    max_dist: Maximum distance, beyond which
    n_error = 0
    for i in range(len(stops) - 1):
        from_stop = stops[i]
        to_stop = stops[i + 1]
        from_pos = stop_pts[i]
        to_pos = stop_pts[i + 1]
        if ((from_stop, to_stop) in segements) or ((to_stop, from_stop) in segements):

        i_idx1, dst1 = nearest_pos(from_pos, shape_pts)
        i_idx2, dst2 = nearest_pos(to_pos, shape_pts)
        if -1 == i_idx1 or -1 == i_idx2 or i_idx1 == i_idx2:
            print("Point not found: ", i_idx1, i_idx2)
            n_error += 1
        if dst1 > max_dist or dst2 > max_dist:
            print("Point too far: ", from_stop, to_stop)
            n_error += 1

        if i_idx1 < i_idx2:
            segements[(from_stop, to_stop)] = shape_pts[i_idx1:(i_idx2 + 1)]
            segements[(from_stop, to_stop)] = shape_pts[i_idx2:(i_idx1 + 1)]  # two direction are the same
    if n_error > 0:
        print("error stops: ", n_error)

#----------------------------------------- API
def extract_segment(segements, frm_trip, frm_stop, frm_stop_time, frm_shape, max_dist=300, testing=false):

    :param segements: {(from_id, to_id):[(x1, y1),...], ...}
    :param frm_trip:
    :param frm_stop:
    :param frm_stop_time:
    :param frm_shape:
    stop_chain_key = {}  # 'key':0
    n = 0
    k1 = ''
    for i in frm_trip.index:
        if i % 100 == 0:
            print(i, "found: ", n)
        if i>500:
        trip_id = frm_trip.iloc[i]['trip_id']
        stops = get_stops(frm_stop_time, trip_id)  # [stop_id1,...]

        # k1=str(stops)
        k1 = tuple(stops)  # [stop_id1, ...]
        if k1 in stop_chain_key:

        shape_id = frm_trip.iloc[i]['shape_id']
        shape_pts = get_points(frm_shape, shape_id)  # [(x1,y1), ...]

        # check all stops are avaliable
        stop_pts = []
        for stop_id in stops:
            pt = get_stop_pos(frm_stop, stop_id)
            if (pt == None):
                print("found one error")

        process_trip(segements, stops, stop_pts, shape_pts, max_dist=max_dist)

        stop_chain_key[k1] = -1
        # stop_chain_key[str(stops.reverse())] = -1
        stop_chain_key[tuple(stops)] = -1

        n += 1
        testing && break
    return segements

3.3 Julia Version Code (extraject_segment.jl)

using JuliaDB

returnt [(lon,lat),...] of the given `stop_id`
function get_stop_pos(frm_stop::IndexedTable, stop_id::String)
    sub_frm = filter(p->p.stop_id==stop_id, frm_stop)
    if length(sub_frm)>0
        return (sub_frm[1][:stop_lon], sub_frm[1][:stop_lat])
        return (nothing, nothing)

return `shape_id` of the given `trip_id`
function get_shape(frm_trip::IndexedTable, trip_id::String)
    sub_frm = filter(p->p.trip_id==trip_id, frm_trip)

    if length(sub_frm)>0
        return sub_frm[1][:shape_id] # return the first row value
        return nothing

return [stop_id1, ...] of the given `trip_id`
function get_stops(frm_st, trip_id)
    stops = Vector{String}()
    sub_frm = filter(p->p.trip_id==trip_id, frm_st)

    for i in 1:length(sub_frm)
        push!(stops, sub_frm[i][:stop_id])
    return stops

get shape points
function get_points(frm_shape, shape_id)
    pts = Vector{Tuple{Float64,Float64}}()

    sub_frm = filter(p->p.shape_id==shape_id, frm_shape)
    for i in 1:length(sub_frm)
        push!( pts, (sub_frm[i][:shape_pt_lon], sub_frm[i][:shape_pt_lat]) )
    return pts

pt1-(lon,lat), pt2-(lon, lat)
function dist_meter(pt1::Tuple{Float64,Float64}, pt2::Tuple{Float64,Float64})
    dst = sqrt( (pt1[1]-pt2[1])^2 + (pt1[2]-pt2[2])^2 )
    return dst*110*1000

function nearest_pos(pt::Tuple{Float64,Float64}, shape_pts::Vector{Tuple{Float64,Float64}})
    dst_near = typemax(Int)
    idx = -1
    for i in 1:length(shape_pts)
        dst = dist_meter(pt, shape_pts[i])
        if dst<dst_near
            dst_near = dst
            idx = i
    return (idx, dst_near)

    segements: {(from_id, to_id):[(x1, y1),...], ...}
    stops: [stop_id1,...]
    stop_pts: [(x1,y1), ...]
    stop_pts: [(x1,y1), ...]
function process_trip(segements::Dict{Tuple{String, String},Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}},
        stops::Vector{String}, stop_pts::Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}},
        shape_pts::Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}})
    n_error = 0
    for i in 1:(length(stops)- 1)
        from_stop = stops[i]
        to_stop = stops[i + 1]
        from_pos = stop_pts[i]
        to_pos = stop_pts[i + 1]
        if haskey(segements, (from_stop, to_stop)) || haskey(segements, (to_stop ,from_stop))

        i_idx1, dst1 = nearest_pos(from_pos, shape_pts)
        i_idx2, dst2 = nearest_pos(to_pos, shape_pts)
        if -1 == i_idx1 || -1 == i_idx2 || i_idx1 == i_idx2
            println("Point not found: ", i_idx1, i_idx2)
            n_error += 1

        if dst1 > 300 || dst2 > 300
            println("Point too far: ", from_stop, to_stop)
            n_error += 1

        if i_idx1 < i_idx2
            segements[(from_stop, to_stop)] = shape_pts[i_idx1:(i_idx2)]
            segements[(from_stop, to_stop)] = shape_pts[i_idx2:(i_idx1)]  # two direction are the same
    n_error > 0 && println("error stops: ", n_error)
:param segements: {(from_id, to_id):[(x1, y1),...], ...}
:param frm_trip:
:param frm_stop:
:param frm_stop_time:
:param frm_shape:
function extract_segment(segements::Dict{Tuple{String, String},Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}},
        frm_trip::IndexedTable, frm_stop::IndexedTable,
        frm_stop_time::IndexedTable, frm_shape::IndexedTable; testing=false)
    stop_chain_key = Dict{String, Int}()  # 'key':0
    n = 0
    k1 = ""
    for i in 1:length(frm_trip)
        i % 100 == 0 && println(i, " found: ", n)
        i>500 && break
        trip_id = frm_trip[i][:trip_id]
        stops = get_stops(frm_stop_time, trip_id)  # [stop_id1,...]

        # k1=str(stops)
        k1 = string(stops)  # [stop_id1, ...]
        haskey(stop_chain_key, k1) && continue

        shape_id = frm_trip[i][:shape_id]
        shape_pts = get_points(frm_shape, shape_id)  # [(x1,y1), ...]

        # check all stops are avaliable
        stop_pts = Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}()
        for stop_id in stops
            pt = get_stop_pos(frm_stop, stop_id)
            if pt[1] == nothing
                println("found one error")
            push!(stop_pts, pt)

        process_trip(segements, stops, stop_pts, shape_pts)

        stop_chain_key[k1] = -1
        # stop_chain_key[str(stops.reverse())] = -1
        stop_chain_key[string(stops)] = -1

        n += 1
        testing && break

4 Summary

The current Julia version code is translated from Python code line by line. Please point out the improper code and I will update the new results. Hope the results would be helpful to improve the package and language from the perspective of the normal users.


Thank you so much! :slightly_smiling_face: I have revised