I guess at the very bottom of that page is a mention of new{A,B} but it’s pretty sparse on details. It seems useful to have something right in the section labeled “Parametric Constructors”
Documentation is something I could potentially provide a pull request for without a major problem.
I’m thinking the docstring on “new” should say:
new, or new{A,B,...}
Special function available to inner constructors which creates a new object
of the type. The form new{A,B,...} calls out the types explicitly similar to a constructor
for a struct such as Array{Int,1}. See the manual section on Inner Constructor Methods for more
or something like that. Then in the section on Parametric Constructors, any suggestions?
I’d drop the “similar” part though, as new is reserved for inside of inner constructors and per se has nothing to do with how a parametric type is written - just that the “type parameters” in new{..} define how the constructed object is parametrized.