Is there a way to write a constructor for a type that has part of its parameter list specified?
For example, consider struct MyType{A,B} end
. I would like to write a constructor for the type MyType{Int,B} where B
i.e. where one of my type parameters is already known.
I’ve tried the following (and various different combinations):
struct MyType{A,B}
function MyType{Int, B}(x::B) where B
When I try to create an object of MyType
, I get this:
julia> MyType{Int}(1)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching MyType{Int64,B} where B(::Int64)
The strange thing is if I try to define a constructor with form similar to what crops up in the error message (i.e. something like function MyType{Int, B} where B(x::B) new() end
I get a syntax error.
I’ve tried looking for related questions and I think this Defining a constructor for partially parameterized type is quite close to what I am looking for, but I can’t quite adapt it to my case.
Any suggestions will be helpful!