Suggestions on model and solvers

I would be happy for suggestions on how and where to implement the model for the data below (the plan is to extend to a much larger data set later so speed is of interest):

#Toy data
A = [1.0000 0 0.5000 0.5000 0.4714 0.2357;
    0 1.0000 0.5000 0 0.2357 0.5893;
    0.5000 0 0.2500 1.0000 0.5893 0.2946;
    0.5000 0 0.2500 1.0000 0.5893 0.2946;
    0.4714 0.2357 0.5893 0.5893 1.0000 0.6111;
    0.2357 0.5893 0.5303 0.2946 0.6111 1.0000]

g = [0.5 -0.2 0.3 0.2 0.0 -0.1]
s = [1 0 1 1 0 0]
d = [0 1 0 0 1 1]
F = 0.3

max c'*g

constr c'*A*c/2 ≤ F
       c'*s = 0.5
       c'*d = 0.5
       c ≥ 0

If your decision variable is indeed c, then this looks like a Quadratic Program (QP).
I would try my luck with JuMP.jl (see nonlinear modeling examples such as this one). You will need to select an appropriate solver from this list, i.e. one that supports QP.


The objective c'*g is linear, and the constraint c'*A*c/2 ≤ F is quadratic, so this is a quadratically-constrained problem, not linearly-constrained QP. The corresponding example in the JuMP doc would be this one.

If A is symmetric positive semi-definite, then the problem is convex and solvable fairly efficiently by several solvers such as Ipopt, CPLEX, Gurobi, Xpress, etc.

If A is not symmetric positive semi-definite, then the problem is non convex (and much more difficult to solve exactly). In that situation, Ipopt should give decent solution, though no guarantee of feasibility / optimality. Gurobi can solve non-convex QCPs to global optimality, potentially taking some time if the problem is large.


My bad I had switched the objective and constraints ^^ Edited my answer