Suggestion on this plot

Is there any easier way of doing this kind of plot?

Instead of just x_1, I would put a value, x_1 = 100 for example.

The way I think it would need to adapt a little the quiver plot and another plots, as here Plotting vector fields. But I don’t think it would be a good way of doing it.

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Easier than what?

This is not a plot. This is a diagram. Have you tried Luxor?

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OP’s annotated plot, could be conveniently generated using Plots.jl 's quiver!() and annotate!() together with LaTeXStrings.jl.

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I think it can be done quite easily using Kroki.jl.

I created a function that creates your diagram using Kroki. The input is a vector with the labels for x₁, x₂, etc. I believe the code is easy to understand. I used Pikchr to create the diagram:

using Kroki

function chart(x)
	# Function to get the subindex of a figure
	sub(i) = Char(0x2080+i)

	# First arrow
	chart = """
	arrow "s$(sub(0)) = 0" above
	unit(i, idx) = """
		circle fill black
		arrow <- up from last circle.n
		arrow "xr$i " rjust down <- from last circle.s
		arrow down 85% right 85% from last
		arrow "s$i$(idx==length(x) ? "=0" : "")" above right from last circle.e
	for idx in 1:length(x)
		i = sub(idx)
		chart *= unit(i, idx)
	Diagram(:pikchr, chart)

With chart([100, 2, 3, 400, 5]) you get:

It’ easy to change the lengths of the arrows, the diameter of the circles or write the labels in italics.


Fyi, with Plots.jl, it takes 30 lines of code to produce:

Plots .jl code
using LaTeXStrings, Plots; gr(dpi=600)

const l, r, cθ, δ, fs = 1, 0.25, cosd(45), 0.12, 18
const vs, vxr, vx, vd = (l, 0), (0, l), (0, -l),(l*cθ, -l*cθ)

circle(x) = Shape(map(z -> z .+ (x + l + r, 0), Plots.partialcircle(0, 2π, 100, r)))

function unit_diagram!(x, xi_str, si_str, xri_str, di_str)
    plot!(circle(x), c=:black, fill=:black)
    quiver!((x+l+2r, 0), quiver=([vs[1]],vs[2]), c=:black, arrow=:closed)
    quiver!((x+l+r, l+r), quiver=([vx[1]],vx[2]), c=:black, arrow=:closed)
    quiver!((x+l+r, -(l+r)), quiver=([vx[1]],-vx[2]), c=:black, arrow=:closed)
    quiver!((x+l+r+r*cθ, -r*cθ), quiver=([vd[1]],vd[2]), c=:black, arrow=:closed)
    annotate!(x+l+r-δ/2, -0.8*l, text(xri_str, :right, fs))
    annotate!(x+l+r, l+r+δ, text(xi_str, :center, fs))
    annotate!(x+2l, δ, text(si_str, :center, fs))
    annotate!(x+(l+r)*(1+cθ)+δ, -(l+r)*cθ - δ, text(di_str, :center, fs))

function plot_diagram(n, vstr)
    p = plot((0,0), ratio=:equal, framestyle=:none, size=(1200,600)) # size=(1200,600)
    quiver!((0,0), quiver=([vs[1]],vs[2]), c=:black, arrow=:closed)
    annotate!(l/2, δ, text(L"s_0 = 0", :center, fs))
    for i in 1:n
        si = i == n ? L"s_%$i = 0" : L"s_%$i"
        stri = vstr[i]
        !isempty(stri) && (stri = " = $stri")
        unit_diagram!((i-1)*(l+2r), L"x_%$i%$stri", si, L"xr_%$i", L"d_%$i")
    return p

plot_diagram(5, ["100", "", "", "", ""])