Sublime Text 3: Worth a look!

It sounds we should make a proper Sublime Text plugin for Julia. Not sure if I have time to have a crack. Never done a Sublime Plugin before.

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Could you explain what you have in mind with a “plug-in”? What should it provide that is currently (in your opinion) missing?

Well. For a first I can just install it with package controller. Second, I like the @edit macro in Juno that takes me to the code in question.

Clicking on the code address in an error message takes me to the code.

A dataframes viewer.
The set up instructions is quite long and a plugin can automate it.

Pretty Tables didn’t used to support large tables? It needs the whole table to be loaded to RAM? Instead of fetching the just columns and rows it is viewing right?

Well, PrettyTables.jl prints tables (matrices, vectors, DataFrames, and anything that complies with Tables.jl API). Usually, all those entities are loaded into RAM. However, you can use something that fetch on demand, if it complies with Tables.jl, it will work. Notice that, to print a table (text mode), I really need to have access to all data that will be printed before printing. Otherwise it will be impossible to automatically compute the column size for example.


Thanks for the info. I use VS Code but I’m far from enamored with it and I’d love to find an IDE that I actually like :wink: I think I’ll give this a shot.

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Let us know how it went. If something is not up to snuff, perhaps we can fix it.

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You can install it directly from the package manager: see Julia - Packages - Package Control

The @edit macro also works with Sublime Text (you might need to set your JULIA_EDITOR environment variable to subl).

Unfortunately I don’t know how to get the clicking on a code address to work though.

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That’s syntax only and doesn’t run Julia on control enter right?

Use TableView.jl.

I have an empty git repository to make the View feature work more seamlessly in the browser but it’s stalled b/c grad school. The instructions in the readme of TableView.jl should be enough to write a tiny function that makes viewing tables really easy without Juno.

The link seems broken.:slightly_frowning_face:

This is ok to reach:

Yes, sorry. The link needs to be changed but for some reason I cannot edit the post anymore. The correct link is

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Try the package “Open URL”. When an error is displayed, it shows the file and the line. Place the cursor on the line and pres ctrl+alt+u.

I’m not quite sure what you mean; ctrl-enter sends the code to Julia, so it works in that sense.


I thought you need terminus or else it will not sit inside Sublime?

This doesn’t seem to work.

The SendCode plugin makes Ctrl-Enter work with a number of different terminals, embedded within Sublime or not. Personally I prefer not embedded but that’s just me. You can see my set ups (both Windows and Linux) described in this issue.

Using ENV["JULIA_EDITOR"] = "subl" works on Linux for me but on Windows I need

ENV["JULIA_EDITOR"] = "C:\\\\Program\\ Files\\\\Sublime\\ Text\\ 3\\\\subl.exe"

with a horrible number of slashes to escape everything repeatedly…

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Windows works the same as Linux, I just set the path to the folder containing sublime_text.exe and it’s sublime_text.exe not subl on Windows

Actually @dawbarton was right, subl.exe is also there. (That is what I run myself.)

This works for me

ENV["JULIA_EDITOR"] = "c:/users/pk/Documents/SublimeTextPortableX64/subl.exe" 

because I run my subl from the git bash.