I am struggling to use the Gmsh.jl API in order to extract some information from a 3D mesh I loaded to my application. There are two simple things I am trying to do.
From the mesh I want to find all the mesh faces as a vector of the identification number of the faces and for each face I want to know the connectivity information i.e. a vector with the ids of the vertices forming each face, including the boundary vertices.
I want to do the same thing for the cells: I want a vector with the identification numbers of all the mesh cells and for each cell I want a vector with the identification numbers of each face forming the cell, including the boundary faces.
I looked at the tutorials for the Gmsh Julia API but they are mostly describing ways to construct meshes, not extracting data from imported ones. I managed to read the vertices with their unique identification numbers and coordinates but the connectivity information is something I am unable to find how to access.
Thank you for that. Using this as a reference I managed to extract the vertices which form a face (face connectivity information). I am now trying to find the faces which form a cell but according to the Gmsh API I can only find how to obtain the vertices forming a cell. Any hints?