Meshes.jl - CartesianGrid - FaceElement connectivity

How can I build the face-element connectivity of a 2D CartesianGrid in Meshes.jl ? Thx!

@Domenico_Lahaye please tag your questions with meshes, otherwise we don’t receive notifications.

Did you check the documentation page on topological relations?

1/ Sincere apologies for leaving meshes out. Will try to do next time.

2/ Yes, I did see the function connect();

3/ No, however, did not see an example of how to use the function connect() given as input a previously generated mesh (using e.g. the function CartesianGrid() ). It is likely I am overlooking something.

Thx again!

Can you please clarify what you want to achieve? A concrete example?


I would like to construct a face-element connectivity table. Each internal (boundary) face has two (one) adjacant elements. I thus would like to construct a tall skinny matrix that given the face-id as input, retrieves the two (or only one) id’s of the adjacent elements.

Next, I would like to discretize the integro-differential operator by a double loop. Outermost over faces. Innermost over elements. In the inner loop, I need to distinguish between elements adjacent and non-adjacent to the face.

Fine to do the above for 2D Cartesian grids for a first proof of concept.

Does this fully answer your question?

In that doc page I shared you can find the example with the adjacencymatrix of a mesh:

grid = CartesianGrid(10, 10)

100×100 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Int64, Int64} with 360 stored entries:

Isn’t that what you need? There are other matrices (e.g., laplacematrix, measurematrix) and they have options in their docstrings that you can read.

These matrices are constructed from topological relations. The adjacencymatrix is constructred from the Adjacency relation, also explained in the docs. The relation takes an id as input and returns the ids of the adjacent elements, vertices, etc.

This (as far as I currently understand) is node(or point)-element(or quadrilateral) adjacency, either with or without boundary (rank) of the domain. Correct?

Does similar exist for face(or edge) -element(or quadrilateral) adjacency?

I will copy/paste some examples from the docs here:

topo = topology(grid)

# create boundary relation mapping
# 2-faces to 0-faces (i.e. vertices)
∂ = Boundary{2,0}(topo)

# list of vertices for first face

# boundary relation from faces (dim=2) to edges (dim=1)
∂ = Boundary{2,1}(topo)

# show boundary of first n-gon

Please check the docstrings of Adjacency, Boundary and Coboundary.

Many thx!

Late here in Europe. More soon.