Thanks, that’s helpful!
As a follow up (though let me know if I should move it to a separate question), I hope to create a mutable struct
with fixed array sizes based on a dimension input parameter, N
. The following MWE gives an error since N
isn’t defined externally. Is the best/only way to do this by doing it internally before new(...)
? Basically I want to allocate only N
memory for an array whose dimension won’t change.
er() = throw(ArgumentError("Missing arguments: N, a, b, c"))
const D = Union{Array{Int64,1}, Array{Int32,1}}
mutable struct Test
# d::Union{Int32, Int64}
function Test(; N=er(), a=er(), b=er(), c=er())
d = b+c
new(N, a, b, c, d)
t=Test(; N=2, c=[3; 3], a=1, b=[2;2])
The rhs of ::
in a struct should be a type. You need to do the allocation inside your constructor.
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is a value, not a type. If you want the length of the array to be a part of the type, use a static array (StaticArrays.jl package). Note also that there is no need to pass N
as a parameter since it should be the length of a
and b
. I’m also unclear on why d
is a union type when your constructor fixes it to be an array of Int64
, and in general you should use concrete types for your fields if possible. For example
using StaticArrays
struct Test{N}
Test{N}(a, b, c) where {N} = new(a, b, c, b + c)
function Test(; a::Integer, b::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, c::AbstractVector{<:Integer})
length(b) == length(c) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
return Test{length(b)}(a, b, c)
Then you can do e.g. Test(a=2, b=[3,4,5], c=[8,9,0])
Note that if you want the contents of the arrays to be mutable, you can keep it a struct
but use an MVector
for the elements. If you want to be able to change the field a
, or you want to be able to change b
to point to a different array (rather than changing the contents in-place), you need a mutable struct
Great, MVector
is exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks!