Strange --- seemingly out-of-bounds access --- bug in Julia v1.6

Using Julia v1.6.7, I obtain

julia> using LinearAlgebra, FillArrays

julia> for (dv, ev) in ((Fill(2,3), Fill(6,2)), (Zeros(2), Zeros(1)))
                      display(Tridiagonal(ev, dv, ev))
3×3 Tridiagonal{Int64, Fill{Int64, 1, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}}:
 2  6  ⋅
 6  2  6
 ⋅  6  2
140507853782720×140507853782720 Tridiagonal{Int64, Fill{Int64, 1, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}}:
 1  22    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅     …    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 1   1   22       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅          ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   1    1      22       ⋅       ⋅          ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅  #undef    1      22       ⋅          ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅     #undef    1      22          ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅     #undef    1     …    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅     #undef       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅          ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅          ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋮                                ⋮     ⋱                          
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅          ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅          ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅          ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅     …  #undef    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅          1     #undef    ⋅       ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅        #undef    1     #undef    ⋅
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅          ⋅     #undef    1     #undef
 ⋅   ⋅    ⋅       ⋅       ⋅       ⋅          ⋅       ⋅     #undef    1

Where’s that second result coming from? This seems fixed on recent versions of Julia. Both the values and the type are incorrect.

Seems like hardware info (included in versioninfo() AFAIK) might be interesting.

EDIT: I can reproduce:

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.6.7
Commit 3b76b25b64 (2022-07-19 15:11 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 5300U with Radeon Graphics
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-11.0.1 (ORCJIT, znver2)
julia> for (dv, ev) in ((Zeros(2), Zeros(1)),)
         display(size(Tridiagonal(ev, dv, ev)))
(2, 2)

julia> for (dv, ev) in ((Fill(2,3), Fill(6,2)), (Zeros(2), Zeros(1)))
         display(size(Tridiagonal(ev, dv, ev)))
(3, 3)
(140050683035328, 140050683035328)

julia> for (dv, ev) in ((Fill(2,3), Fill(6,2)), (Zeros(2), Zeros(1)))
         display(size(Tridiagonal(ev, dv, ev)))
(3, 3)
(140050683035328, 140050683035328)

The numbers change after restarting Julia:

julia> using LinearAlgebra, FillArrays

julia> for (dv, ev) in ((Fill(2,3), Fill(6,2)), (Zeros(2), Zeros(1)))
         display(size(Tridiagonal(ev, dv, ev)))
(3, 3)
(140677421659760, 140677421659760)