This does not seem correct to me … Tried anything, also using a development module.
I’m using Julia-1.10.0.beta2 or Version 1.9.2
Same results. I’m in a deadlock !!
Any clue?
help?> Main.HPC
No documentation found.
Binding HPC does not exist.
julia> HPC = mutable struct HPC
d::Int # intrinsic dimension
m::Int # embedding dimension (rows of V)
n::Int # number of vertices (columns of V)
V::Matrix{Float64} # object geometry
C::Dict{Symbol, AbstractArray} # object topology (C for cells)
# inner constructors
HPC() = new( NaN, NaN, NaN, Matrix{Float64}, Dict{Symbol, AbstractArray} )
HPC(m,n) = new( m,m,n, Matrix(undef,m,n), Dict{Symbol,AbstractArray} )
HPC(d,m,n) = begin V = Matrix(undef,m,n), C = Dict{Symbol,AbstractArray}();
new( d,m,n, V, C ) end
HPC(V) = begin C = Dict{Symbol,AbstractArray}(); m, n = size(V);
new( m,m,n, V, C ) end
HPC(V,C) = begin m,n = size(V); new( m,m,n, V, C ) end
HPC(d,V,C) = begin m,n = size(V); new( d,m,n, V, C ) end
HPC(d,m,n, V,C) = new( d,m,n, V,C )
ERROR: invalid redefinition of constant HPC
[1] top-level scope
@ REPL[4]:1