Stem plots y-values expressed in dB / moving xaxis to a negative value

I would like to move the x-axis to a negative value and would like to have stem lines starting from the x-axis upwards, how can this be realized?
Below a snippet that does not yet what I would like to achieve :frowning:

using PlotlyJS, DSP
# axes-configuration:
# axes-configuration:

n_frequ     = 26 
vec_frequ   = collect(1 : n_frequ)
vec_ampl    = DSP.Util.pow2db.(1e-10 .* vec(ones(1, n_frequ)))

vec_ampl_THDA       = copy(vec_ampl)
vec_ampl_THDA[2]    = DSP.Util.pow2db(1)
vec_ampl_THDA[4]    = DSP.Util.pow2db(0.1)
vec_ampl_THDA[8]    = DSP.Util.pow2db(0.01)
vec_ampl_THDA[16]   = DSP.Util.pow2db(0.001)

function plot_THDA()
    stem_THDA = PlotlyJS.stem(; x = vec_frequ, y = vec_ampl_THDA)
    plt_layout = PlotlyJS.Layout(
        title_text          = "THDA",
        xaxis_title_text    = "Frequency / Hz", 
        xaxis_zeroline      = "false",
        yaxis_title_text    = "Amplitude / dB", 
        yaxis_constrain     = "domain", # enforce the range to the specified range
        yaxis_range         = [extrema(vec_ampl_THDA)],
        yaxis_fixedrange    = true,
    return PlotlyJS.Plot(stem_THDA, plt_layout)


I still do not know, if a trick exist to use the command PlotlyJS.stem() to plot stem lines in dB scaled diagrams, but I wrote a workaround. What is unclear to me, how to figure out which monospaced fonts are available on my system.

using PlotlyJS, DSP, Printf
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# using LaTeXStrings # optional, if formulas are needed
# axes-configuration:
# axes-configuration:
# topics:
# - monospace bold font in legend
# - transparent background
# - stem lines in db-Scaled diagram
# note:
# - import into MS PowerPoint, to avoid misplaced letters: open svg in "inkscape" and paste as "inkscape svg"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

n_frequ     = 28 
vec_frequ   = collect(1 : n_frequ)
vec_ampl    = DSP.Util.pow2db.(1e-10 .* vec(ones(1, n_frequ)))

f1THDA                  = 2
vec_ampl_THDA           = copy(vec_ampl)
vec_ampl_THDA[f1THDA]   = DSP.Util.pow2db(1)
vec_ampl_THDA[2*f1THDA] = DSP.Util.pow2db(0.1)
vec_ampl_THDA[4*f1THDA] = DSP.Util.pow2db(0.01)
vec_ampl_THDA[8*f1THDA] = DSP.Util.pow2db(0.001)

# --- local function to modify plot for e.g. svg and pdf output:
function _MyLibPlotlyLayoutHalf!(_hdl_trace::Plot{Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}, Layout{Dict{Symbol, Any}}, Vector{PlotlyFrame}}, 
    _fn::AbstractString="foo.html", _transparent::Bool=true)
    _, _fn_ext = splitext(_fn)
    if ~(cmp(uppercase(_fn_ext), ".HTML") == 0)
        _hdl_trace = PlotlyJS.relayout!(_hdl_trace, 
            template        = templates.plotly_white, 
            height          = 400,
            width           = trunc(Int, sqrt(2) * 400),
            title_x         = 0.5, # center title
            title_font_size = 28,
            xaxis_title_font_size = 20,
            xaxis_linecolor = "black",
            xaxis_linewidth = 2.0,
            xaxis_ticks     = "inside",
            xaxis_tickfont_size = 18,
            yaxis_title_font_size = 20,
            yaxis_linecolor = "black",
            yaxis_linewidth = 2.0,
            yaxis_ticks     = "inside",
            yaxis_tickfont_size = 18,
            # xaxis_constrain = "domain",
            legend_font_size = 20,
            # legend = PlotlyJS.attr(font_family = "monospace"),
            # legend_font_family = "monospace",
        if _transparent
            _hdl_trace = PlotlyJS.relayout!(_hdl_trace, 
            paper_bgcolor   = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", # transparent background
            plot_bgcolor    = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", # transparent background
        @info("File extention is \".html\". No relayout done!")
    return _hdl_trace

# function hdl_traces(_x::Vector{<:Number}, _y::Union{Array{<:Number}, Number}, _color::AbstractString="blue")
function _MyLib_Stem(_x::Vector{<:Number}, _y::Union{Array{<:Number}, Number}, _color::AbstractString="blue")
    if length(_y) > 2
        error("Y-vector needs to have only two elements")
    _x = [_x, _x]
    return PlotlyJS.scatter(; x = _x, y = _y, mode = "lines", line_color = _color, line_width = 0.5, showlegend = false)

# --- plot functions: THDA
function plot_THDA(_ampl_vec::Union{Array{<:Number}, Number})
    hdl_traces   = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}(undef, 0)
    # push!(hdl_traces, PlotlyJS.scatter(; x = vec_frequ, y = _ampl_vec, mode = "markers", marker_size = 10, showlegend = false))
    push!(hdl_traces, PlotlyJS.scatter(; x = [vec_frequ[f1THDA]],   y = [_ampl_vec[f1THDA]],   mode = "markers", marker_size = 10, 
    name = "<b>1st harmonic =  2<sub>Hz</sub></b>"))
    push!(hdl_traces, PlotlyJS.scatter(; x = [vec_frequ[2*f1THDA]], y = [_ampl_vec[2*f1THDA]], mode = "markers", marker_size = 10, 
    name = "<b>2nd harmonic =  4Hz</b>"))
    push!(hdl_traces, PlotlyJS.scatter(; x = [vec_frequ[4*f1THDA]], y = [_ampl_vec[4*f1THDA]], mode = "markers", marker_size = 10, 
    name = "<b>3rd harmonic =  8Hz</b>"))
    push!(hdl_traces, PlotlyJS.scatter(; x = [vec_frequ[8*f1THDA]], y = [_ampl_vec[8*f1THDA]], mode = "markers", marker_size = 10, 
    name = "<b>4th harminic = 16Hz</b>"))
    for i_freq in eachindex(vec_frequ)
        push!(hdl_traces, _MyLib_Stem(vec_frequ[i_freq], [minimum(_ampl_vec), _ampl_vec[i_freq]]))
    # ---
    plt_layout = PlotlyJS.Layout(
        title_text          = "THDA",
        xaxis_title_text    = "Frequency / Hz", 
        xaxis_zeroline      = "false",
        xaxis_anchor        = "y",
        xaxis_visible       = true,
        xaxis_linecolor     = "black",
        xaxis_linewidth     = 2.0,
        xaxis_mirror        = true,
        xaxis_constrain     = "domain", # enforce the range to the specified range
        # xaxis_range         = collect(extrema(vec_frequ)),
        xaxis_range         = [0, n_frequ],
        # --- y ---
        yaxis_visible       = true,
        yaxis_title_text    = "Amplitude / dB", 
        yaxis_constrain     = "domain", # enforce the range to the specified range
        # yaxis_range         = collect(extrema(vec_ampl_THDA)),
        yaxis_range         = [-40, 10],
        yaxis_fixedrange    = true,
        yaxis_linecolor     = "black",
        yaxis_linewidth     = 2.0,
        yaxis_mirror        = true,
        legend_font_family  = "monospace",
        # legend              = PlotlyJS.attr(family="Arial, sans-serif", size=20, color="grey"),
    return PlotlyJS.Plot(hdl_traces, plt_layout)

# --- plot THDA spectrum:
hdl_plt = plot_THDA(vec_ampl_THDA)
fn_plt  = raw"c:\tmp\plt\THDA.svg"
_MyLibPlotlyLayoutHalf!(hdl_plt, fn_plt)
# hdl_plt = PlotlyJS.redraw(hdl_plt)
PlotlyJS.savefig(hdl_plt, fn_plt)
fn_plt  = raw"c:\tmp\plt\THDA.pdf"
PlotlyJS.savefig(hdl_plt, fn_plt)