Status of Pkg speed improvements outside US in v1.5

I don’t think it has changed a lot in the EU, it has always been fast for me, and still is. For example, here is an add of Pluto, with downloading all it’s dependencies and updating the registry:

julia> @time Pkg.add("Pluto")
   Updating registry at `/tmp/tmp.Y7GcP6DpXb/registries/General`
  Resolving package versions...
  Installed MbedTLS_jll ─ v2.16.8+0
  Installed MsgPack ───── v1.1.0
  Installed IniFile ───── v0.5.0
  Installed MbedTLS ───── v1.0.2
  Installed HTTP ──────── v0.8.17
  Installed Pluto ─────── v0.11.14
Downloading artifact: MbedTLS
  2.453962 seconds (5.01 M allocations: 276.654 MiB, 1.91% gc time)

It looks like you still have the registry as a git repo, so registry updates does not use the Pkg servers. In my experience, libgit2 is very slow on Windows, so that is probably why it takes time for you. Is it still slow the second Pkg operation which doesn’t do a registry update?

If you delete the registry and install it again you should get a Pkg server registry, but then you might run into problems with WIndows virus scanning (Windows Defender?) that don’t like that we unpack a tarball with many files. That might be a reason for slow package downloads too, if the packages contain many files.