Status of BenchmarkCI

Hi everyone,

I’m using BenchmarkCI.jl as part of my suite of CI in a project.

I’ve noticed that its been unmaintained for a while, and now I have a problem with [compat] (BenchmarkCI can’t be used with DiffEqBase.jl due to Setfield.jl incompatibility). I believe that the maintainer @tfk has stopped supporting his projects (no judgment, just an observation!)

Is there a common protocol in the Julia community for dealing with infrastructure packages that get unmaintained?

My short term fix is going to be fork the repo and then point at my fork with [sources], but that seems non-ideal.

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TKF has sadly not been seen around these parts for a while,
so yes the answer is to fork it to an Org like JuliaCI or JuliaPerf where multiple people can maintain the package or switch to something like GitHub - MilesCranmer/AirspeedVelocity.jl: Easily benchmark a Julia package over its commit history