StatsPlots precompile all the time....?

This is really weird… StatPlots does not remember that it’s already precompiled…

(v0.7) pkg> precompile
Precompiling project...
Precompiling StatPlots
[ Info: Precompiling StatPlots [60ddc479-9b66-56df-82fc-76a74619b69c]

(v0.7) pkg> precompile
Precompiling project...
Precompiling StatPlots
[ Info: Precompiling StatPlots [60ddc479-9b66-56df-82fc-76a74619b69c]

julia> using StatPlots
[ Info: Precompiling StatPlots [60ddc479-9b66-56df-82fc-76a74619b69c]

(v0.7) pkg> precompile
Precompiling project...
Precompiling StatPlots
[ Info: Precompiling StatPlots [60ddc479-9b66-56df-82fc-76a74619b69c]

StatPlots has precompilation disabled, which makes this even more unexpected… We should probably open an issue in Julia about it.

Open on Pkg.jl repo.

Very interested on this… is pretty annoying.

Just submitted issue at Pkg.jl repo. See additional notes there.