StaticLint without VSCode

Is there a way to run the StaticLint without running VSCode? I’m looking for a way to run in the REPL.
I’ve tried the following but get an error about LibSSH2_jll, MbedTLS_jll, and Zlib_jll not stored on disc.

# First I added StaticLint to the environment.
using StaticLint
ff = StaticLint.lint_file("/Users/stephen/code/JuliaPackages/MyPackage/src/MyPackage.jl")

The error:

┌ Warning: LibSSH2_jll not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.julia/packages/SymbolServer/LMSFX/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
┌ Warning: MbedTLS_jll not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.julia/packages/SymbolServer/LMSFX/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
┌ Warning: Zlib_jll not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.julia/packages/SymbolServer/LMSFX/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
ERROR: type FileServer has no field symbolserver
 [1] setproperty!(x::StaticLint.FileServer, f::Symbol, v::Dict{Symbol, SymbolServer.ModuleStore})
   @ Base ./Base.jl:38
 [2] setup_server(env::String, depot::String, cache::String)
   @ StaticLint ~/.julia/packages/StaticLint/Bccrj/src/interface.jl:4
 [3] setup_server(env::String)
   @ StaticLint ~/.julia/packages/StaticLint/Bccrj/src/interface.jl:2
 [4] setup_server()
   @ StaticLint ~/.julia/packages/StaticLint/Bccrj/src/interface.jl:2
 [5] lint_file(rootpath::String)
   @ StaticLint ~/.julia/packages/StaticLint/Bccrj/src/interface.jl:40
 [6] top-level scope
   @ REPL[11]:1