I recently ran into the idea of using some references within my doc strings and within the documentation. Currently I do that using footnotes; which bears a small problem if one reuses a literature reference twice within strings that are later put on the same page by documenter – and sure there are first approaches, see https://github.com/JuliaDocs/Documenter.jl/issues/379 and the more recent https://github.com/ali-ramadhan/DocumenterCitations.jl .
Now I could need some references within a newly planned Franklin page (thanks @tlienart for providing this nice package), where I currently switched to storing my literature in a yaml
All this brings me to the question: Are there efforts to provide literature, see
- https://github.com/JuliaTeX/BibTeX.jl (thanks @simonbyrne)
- https://github.com/Azzaare/Bibliography.jl (thanks @Azzaare)
which both seem to be somewhat active.
Can we maybe find a common base/startpoint? Currently I am missing for example support for the BibLaTeX flavor of .bib
files, and sometimes small stuff like capitalized keywords (seem to be default in some tools) not being accepted as well as
- CSL support for displaying
- tools for notably reading but also writing bib-files?
- employ biber to help parsing stuff
Maybe there are other projects around?
I would like to collect ideas how to get this a little more mature and usable (for example within Franklin), maybe compared to what jekyll scholar does (though one can not hook into the rendering in there actually, for example to enhance authors with their DOI)