State of the Art in Combinator Parsers?

I have need of parsing in a few different languages, so I sat down to find the Julia equivalent of Parsec (Haskell) or pyparsing (Python). There is ParserCombinator.jl, but does not appear to be maintained (or functional).

Are there other packages running around? Or is it time to sit down and do a new one? Thanks for the pointers.


There’s a branch on a fork that appears to be more up to date

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Cool, thanks. Will take a look. I’ll assume then, that this package is still the “most modern”, in a sense.

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I’m not well versed in the world of parsers, or if this is a relevant recommendation but Automata.jl may interest you.


Link is broken?

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Oops, fixed now,

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Thanks - looks interesting

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I’m also desperate for a fast parser library. It has been missing from the Julia ecosystem for years…

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CombinedParsers may have what you’re looking for