State of Neuroblox?

Hello all, this is my first time posting on Julia Discourse, I hope I’m asking this in the right place.

I was just wondering what the state of the Neuroblox package is. I have been looking for a package for modelling neural circuits and networks of spiking neurons. This seemed like the perfect package. However, there does not seem to be repo for the source code and there is minimal examples / tutorials for getting started. The link to github from the docs page results in a 404 error.

Are there plans to post the source code in the future? Any tips for getting started with Neuroblox?

This reminds me of @bjarthur 's GitHub - SpikingNetwork/TrainSpikingNet.jl: train a spiking recurrent neural network


Hi Ben,

Sorry for the 404. Our repo is private, but once you upload the package through the JuliaHub registry, the source code lives on your computer in the .julia folder. So feel free to dig through the examples and tests there. We just made the package available, and we will be adding more examples and tutorials over the next few weeks. Also, I am more than happy to assist you in using Neuroblox for your particular application.

The GUI will take a little longer. Working on it.

Stay posted!

Helmut Strey
Stony Brook University
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at MGH-Harvard-MIT.
JuliaLab at MIT


Thank you for the reply Helmut! This is a very cool package, I’m excited to see where it goes!

Thanks mkitti, I’ll have to check out that package as well!