Stale "recent notebook" still shown in Pluto

why does the my work didnt auto delet (the notebook in My work is already deleted by myself)
The source file has been deleted by me, but it is still displayed.


I think it may be difficult to answer the question without more details. Could you provide a step-by-step description of the actions you took to delete the notebook, and check if doing it with another notebook results in the same?

Some code snippets and snapshots could be useful :slight_smile:

Pluto will display a record of recently opened files, but even if I delete the source file, it still shows up.

Yes, that seems to be a known issue, see for example Remove stale 'recent' notebooks · Issue #877 · fonsp/Pluto.jl · GitHub

Must l alway do this ? so terrible! why dosent pluto add ‘delete’ ?

As there is an open issue about this, you are not the first to ask for this.
I am not sure why Pluto does not offer this (yet); maybe no one had time until now to program that? Maybe they have not yet agreed on how to best include this feature?

Maybe it is a mix of both and they would need someone to help out, program that to propose an idea (and a Pull Request).

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