StableRNG in Turing is not producing reproducible output

Hi All:

In the following code, we are using StableRNGs. However, the results are not reproducing. Can anybody help us? So that we can reproduce the results.

using Turing, StableRNGs

@model function example(x)
    m ~ Normal(0, 1)
    x ~ Normal(m, sqrt(1))

res = sample(StableRNG(123), example(1), NUTS(), 1000)
1 Like

In what sense? What are you changing between runs?

I’m not really sure what to look for, but I tried running that code twice and the printed output looked the same:

julia> res = sample(StableRNG(123), example(1), NUTS(), 1000)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
└   ϵ = 1.6
Sampling 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:03
Chains MCMC chain (1000×13×1 Array{Float64, 3}):

Iterations        = 501:1:1500
Number of chains  = 1
Samples per chain = 1000
Wall duration     = 4.44 seconds
Compute duration  = 4.44 seconds
parameters        = m
internals         = lp, n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, log_density, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size

Summary Statistics
  parameters      mean       std   naive_se      mcse        ess      rhat   ess_per_sec
      Symbol   Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64       Float64

           m    0.4905    0.6835     0.0216    0.0314   490.8002    1.0054      110.4908

  parameters      2.5%     25.0%     50.0%     75.0%     97.5%
      Symbol   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64

           m   -0.8832    0.0403    0.4865    0.9456    1.7660

julia> res2 = sample(StableRNG(123), example(1), NUTS(), 1000)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
└   ϵ = 1.6
Sampling 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:00
Chains MCMC chain (1000×13×1 Array{Float64, 3}):

Iterations        = 501:1:1500
Number of chains  = 1
Samples per chain = 1000
Wall duration     = 0.07 seconds
Compute duration  = 0.07 seconds
parameters        = m
internals         = lp, n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, log_density, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size

Summary Statistics
  parameters      mean       std   naive_se      mcse        ess      rhat   ess_per_sec
      Symbol   Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64       Float64

           m    0.4905    0.6835     0.0216    0.0314   490.8002    1.0054     6912.6784

  parameters      2.5%     25.0%     50.0%     75.0%     97.5%
      Symbol   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64

           m   -0.8832    0.0403    0.4865    0.9456    1.7660

(jl_XIOShu) pkg> st StableRNGs Turing
Status `/private/var/folders/gj/l9rbktlj6qndlnz1nk164d280000gn/T/jl_XIOShu/Project.toml`
  [860ef19b] StableRNGs v1.0.0
  [fce5fe82] Turing v0.23.1

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.8.3
Commit 0434deb161e (2022-11-14 20:14 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (arm64-apple-darwin21.3.0)
  CPU: 8 × Apple M1
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-13.0.1 (ORCJIT, apple-m1)
  Threads: 4 on 4 virtual cores

I would move to single-threaded as a first step to isolate non-reproducibility.

Thank you for showing interest in my queries. This is exactly what I did. Please see below.

julia> using Turing, StableRNGs

julia> @model function example(x)
       m ~ Normal(0, 1)
       x ~ Normal(m, sqrt(1))
example (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> res1 = sample(StableRNG(123), example(1), NUTS(), 1000)

┌ Info: Found initial step size
└   ϵ = 3.2
Sampling 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:03
Chains MCMC chain (1000×13×1 Array{Float64, 3}):

Iterations        = 501:1:1500
Number of chains  = 1
Samples per chain = 1000
Wall duration     = 4.36 seconds
Compute duration  = 4.36 seconds
parameters        = m
internals         = lp, n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, log_density, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size

Summary Statistics
  parameters      mean       std   naive_se      mcse        ess      rhat   e ⋯
      Symbol   Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64     ⋯

           m    0.5167    0.7029     0.0222    0.0301   533.6340    0.9999     ⋯
                                                                1 column omitted

  parameters      2.5%     25.0%     50.0%     75.0%     97.5% 
      Symbol   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64 

           m   -0.8081    0.0530    0.5059    0.9911    1.8123

julia> res2 = sample(StableRNG(123), example(1), NUTS(), 1000)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
└   ϵ = 1.6
Sampling 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:00
Chains MCMC chain (1000×13×1 Array{Float64, 3}):

Iterations        = 501:1:1500
Number of chains  = 1
Samples per chain = 1000
Wall duration     = 0.04 seconds
Compute duration  = 0.04 seconds
parameters        = m
internals         = lp, n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, log_density, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size

Summary Statistics
  parameters      mean       std   naive_se      mcse        ess      rhat   e ⋯
      Symbol   Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64     ⋯

           m    0.4905    0.6835     0.0216    0.0314   490.8002    1.0054     ⋯
                                                                1 column omitted

  parameters      2.5%     25.0%     50.0%     75.0%     97.5% 
      Symbol   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64 

           m   -0.8832    0.0403    0.4865    0.9456    1.7660

Clearly, two different output - for two different run.

Thank you so much for showing interest in my queries. Here is the version of my system. Do you think updating Julia will help me?

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.8.2
Commit 36034abf260 (2022-09-29 15:21 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (arm64-apple-darwin21.3.0)
  CPU: 8 × Apple M1
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-13.0.1 (ORCJIT, apple-m1)
  Threads: 1 on 8 virtual cores

Thanks Dan for your reply. Can you please tell me how can I ensure that I am running it on single-thread. Here is the version of my systems

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.8.2
Commit 36034abf260 (2022-09-29 15:21 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (arm64-apple-darwin21.3.0)
  CPU: 8 × Apple M1
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-13.0.1 (ORCJIT, apple-m1)
  Threads: 1 on 8 virtual cores

I’ve tried running the code on my computer and got exactly the same results (for the first and second run). So, things are stable and reproducible - and not random.

A third run, gives the same result as the second. So the problem should be in some initialization/compilation on the first run.

Not sure what the problem is in my system. To check - I reran it three times, and these are the exact results. Same for first two times then different in 3rd times

julia> using Turing, StableRNGs

julia> @model function example(x)
       m ~ Normal(0, 1)
       x ~ Normal(m, sqrt(1))
example (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> res1 = sample(StableRNG(123), example(1), NUTS(), 1000)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
└   ϵ = 1.6
Chains MCMC chain (1000×13×1 Array{Float64, 3}):

Iterations        = 501:1:1500
Number of chains  = 1
Samples per chain = 1000
Wall duration     = 0.49 seconds
Compute duration  = 0.49 seconds
parameters        = m
internals         = lp, n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, log_density, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size

Summary Statistics
  parameters      mean       std   naive_se      mcse        ess      rhat   ess_per_sec 
      Symbol   Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64       Float64 

           m    0.4905    0.6835     0.0216    0.0314   490.8002    1.0054     1005.7380

  parameters      2.5%     25.0%     50.0%     75.0%     97.5% 
      Symbol   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64 

           m   -0.8832    0.0403    0.4865    0.9456    1.7660

julia> res2 = sample(StableRNG(123), example(1), NUTS(), 1000)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
└   ϵ = 1.6
Chains MCMC chain (1000×13×1 Array{Float64, 3}):

Iterations        = 501:1:1500
Number of chains  = 1
Samples per chain = 1000
Wall duration     = 0.07 seconds
Compute duration  = 0.07 seconds
parameters        = m
internals         = lp, n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, log_density, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size

Summary Statistics
  parameters      mean       std   naive_se      mcse        ess      rhat   ess_per_sec 
      Symbol   Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64       Float64 

           m    0.4905    0.6835     0.0216    0.0314   490.8002    1.0054     7011.4309

  parameters      2.5%     25.0%     50.0%     75.0%     97.5% 
      Symbol   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64 

           m   -0.8832    0.0403    0.4865    0.9456    1.7660

julia> res3 = sample(StableRNG(123), example(1), NUTS(), 1000)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
└   ϵ = 3.2
Chains MCMC chain (1000×13×1 Array{Float64, 3}):

Iterations        = 501:1:1500
Number of chains  = 1
Samples per chain = 1000
Wall duration     = 0.05 seconds
Compute duration  = 0.05 seconds
parameters        = m
internals         = lp, n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, log_density, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size

Summary Statistics
  parameters      mean       std   naive_se      mcse        ess      rhat   ess_per_sec 
      Symbol   Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64       Float64 

           m    0.5167    0.7029     0.0222    0.0301   533.6340    0.9999    10262.1917

  parameters      2.5%     25.0%     50.0%     75.0%     97.5% 
      Symbol   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64 

           m   -0.8081    0.0530    0.5059    0.9911    1.8123

The problem seems to be in the initial step_size estimation. The alternative result is always given when the initial step_size is alternative as well. In any case, the following:

sample(StableRNG(123), example(1), NUTS(1000, 0.65; init_ϵ = 1.6), 1000)

sets the step size and now only one result is output.
Will investigate further.

1 Like

Oh Danny Boy :smiley: :slight_smile: thank you so so much <3

You are welcome. BTW, found the bug:
trajectory.jl:770 in AdvancedHMC:

return find_good_stepsize(GLOBAL_RNG, h, θ; max_n_iters=max_n_iters)

uses the global RNG.
I will file an issue.


Aah - I see. Thanks a lot.