Stability of steady-state heat equation example for MethodOfLines.jl

The steady-state heat equation example from the MethodOfLines.jl documentation seems to break for smaller step sizes. The example I’m referring to is here: Steady State Heat Equation - No Time Dependence - NonlinearProblem · MethodOfLines.jl

Output for dx == dy == 0.1 (as in the original tutorial):

Output for dx == dy == 0.09:

Output for dx == dy == 0.05 (all NaNs on the interior):

The return code in every PDESolution is MaxIters (including the 0.1 case), so I also tried significantly increasing maxiters from the default. This doesn’t seem to do much:

Is there some reason why this is expected behavior?

Minimal example (essentially identical to the example in the docs, except that I’m using Makie for plotting and varying dx/dy and maxiters):

using ModelingToolkit, MethodOfLines, DomainSets, NonlinearSolve
using CairoMakie

@parameters x y
@variables u(..)
Dxx = Differential(x)^2
Dyy = Differential(y)^2

eq = Dxx(u(x, y)) + Dyy(u(x, y)) ~ 0

bcs = [u(0, y) ~ x * y,
       u(1, y) ~ x * y,
       u(x, 0) ~ x * y,
       u(x, 1) ~ x * y]

# Space and time domains
domains = [x ∈ Interval(0.0, 1.0),
           y ∈ Interval(0.0, 1.0)]

@named pdesys = PDESystem([eq], bcs, domains, [x, y], [u(x, y)])

dx, dy = 0.1,  0.1   # works great
#dx, dy = 0.09, 0.09 # instability near (1, 1)
#dx, dy = 0.08, 0.08 # unstable region grows
#dx, dy = 0.05, 0.05 # all NaN on the interior of the domain

iters_power = 5
maxiters = Int(10^iters_power)

# Note that we pass in `nothing` for the time variable `t` here since we
# are creating a stationary problem without a dependence on time, only space.
discretization = MOLFiniteDifference([x => dx, y => dy], nothing, approx_order=2)

prob = discretize(pdesys, discretization)
sol = NonlinearSolve.solve(prob, NewtonRaphson(), maxiters=maxiters)

    fig = Figure(resolution=(1000, 800))
    ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], title="dx = $dx, dy = $dy, maxiters = 1e$iters_power")
    h = heatmap!(ax, sol[x], sol[y], sol[u(x, y)], colorrange=(0, 1))
    cb = Colorbar(fig[1, 2], h, label="u(x, y)")

save("heat_ss_$(dx)_1e$(iters_power).png", fig)

Thanks in advance for taking a look!

Edit: Updated with more examples.

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Looks like a problem with nonuniform grids and nonlinear problem that has gone undetected so far, I will do some more benchmarking to determine the cause.

Can you see if this is present using chebyspace?

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Hmm still behaves weirdly past 12 points in this example.

cheb_n = 14
discx = chebyspace(cheb_n, domains[1])
discy = chebyspace(cheb_n, domains[2])
discretization = MOLFiniteDifference([discx, discy], nothing, approx_order=2)

prob = discretize(pdesys, discretization)
sol = NonlinearSolve.solve(prob, NewtonRaphson(), maxiters=maxiters)

    fig = Figure(resolution=(1000, 800))
    ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], title="chebyspace points per axis = $cheb_n, maxiters = 1e$iters_power")
    h = heatmap!(ax, sol[x], sol[y], sol[u(x, y)], colorrange=(0, 1))
    cb = Colorbar(fig[1, 2], h, label="u(x, y)")

save("heat_ss_cheb$(cheb_n)_1e$(iters_power).png", fig)

Thanks for taking a look!

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Can you link this thread in an issue on the repo please?

Sure. Here it is: Unstable steady-state solutions for smaller grid sizes in heat equation example · Issue #274 · SciML/MethodOfLines.jl · GitHub

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A solution here would be really great! I’m working on a problem now where I would’ve loved to have used this MethodOfLines.jl. (I use the Laplacian on a cylindrical geometry, and with slightly different boundary conditions, but have the exact same problem occur for dx = dy < 0.1).

Just stumbled upon the problem :frowning_face:
Step of 0.1 works fine, step 0.05 diverges and stops on MaxIters, and step 0.025 or less appears to hang Julia, which doesn’t then react to Ctrl-C.

Are there any workarounds known (using some other algorithm instead of NewtonRaphson ??).

Alternative question: If I have a relatively simple 2D stationary diffusion problem, what is currently the way to go?

Use RobustMultiNewton()?

were you specially sitting here waiting for my question? :grinning:

No, just happened to be here… all the time.

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it’s the exactly same with RobustMultiNewton : Diverges at step 0.05 (exactly the same picture as here MethodOfLines - numerical instability for example in docs), and hangs at 0.025 (Julia continues to run in the background even is I “trash” it in the VSCode)

That might need an issue

The issue was already linked above - Unstable steady-state solutions for smaller grid sizes in heat equation example · Issue #274 · SciML/MethodOfLines.jl · GitHub

I’m adding link to my posts there


As the problem in the example is actually linear, I wondered why NonlinearSolve is to be used, and tried LinearSolve.solve(prob, nothing). That worked for the step of 0.1 and diverged for 0.05 just the same.

That probably means that it’s not the solver’s fault right? (Because 3 different solvers experience the same issue) So perhaps something with the discretization goes awry?

Yes. Or this could be a property of the discretization on this equation. Whether stepping is possible to be stable is a property of using the right spatial semi-discretization, and I haven’t looked into that detail here.

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