Spurious memory allocation even though @code_warntype looks fine (no types marked in red)

I have trouble with this piece of code:

struct Foo{T,N}

function Base.iterate(foo::Foo{T,N})  where {T,N}
   v = Array{Float64,N}(undef,size(foo.a))
   k = 0
   if k == foo.l; return nothing end
   next = (foo.a,k)

function Base.iterate(foo::Foo,state)
  v, k = state
  if k == foo.l; return nothing end
  next = (foo.a,k)

function iteratekernel(next,v)
    a, k = next
    for i in 1:size(a,1)
        v[i] = a[i][2]

function run(x)
    for xi in x

t = (1.0,2.0,3.0)
arr = [t,t,t,t]
foo = Foo(arr,100000)

It seems to lead to spurious memory allocation:

@time run(foo)
@time run(foo)
  0.065006 seconds (149.80 k allocations: 5.529 MiB)
  0.005052 seconds (100.01 k allocations: 3.052 MiB, 64.92% gc time)

The output of

@code_warntype iterate(foo)
@code_warntype iterate(foo,iterate(foo)[2])

looks fine (no types marked in red).

Does somebody can clarify why it is not working properly?

Thanks in advance for the help!

Have you tried to analyze it with Traceur.jl?

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The statement

@trace run(foo)

runs silently.

The code passes all basic checks and still leads to spurious memory allocation. Does anybody has an explanation?

Forcing inlining the functions (using `@inline) makes the allocations go away.

Tuples that wrap non isbitstype objects, like (foo.a, k), need to be allocated unless they can be shown not to escape the function.


Does it mean that one has to use @inline when implementing a new method for Base.iterate ? The tuples returned by iterate are likely to wrap non isbits objects for complex cases, right?

In complex cases the allocation is unlikely to have a significant impact on the performance. But sure, with Julia’s current escape analysis, you sometimes have to help it by benchmarking and seeing if forcibly @inline-ing functions improve performance.

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Perfect! That solves my question. Thanks for helping!

From here

Note that @code_typed and friends will always show you specialized code, even if Julia would not normally specialize that method call. You need to check the method internals if you want to see whether specializations are generated when argument types are changed, i.e., if (@which f(…)).specializations contains specializations for the argument in question.