I read the documentation of the DifferentialEquations.jl
I had an ODE problem where the RHS is f(u, p, t) = ( L + L(t) ) * u
, where L
and L(t)
are two sparse matrices (usually 600x600 matrix with a lot of zeros) and of course L(t)
depends on time.
I’m yet able to solve this problem as a classical one, using the Tsit5()
method it tooks about 2 seconds with 300x300 sparse matrices.
Reading the doc I noticed that this problem can be solved by the SplitODEProblem
with several methods (for example ETD2()
) which require a fixed time step.
This second method tooks about 7 seconds to solve the same problem with the same resolution. My question is why we need to use SplitODEProblems, when the classical one is much faster?
Here a minimal example of both methods:
function drho_dt(rho, p, t)
A_l, w_l = p
return (L + A_l * sin(w_l * t) * L_t) * rho
prob = ODEProblem(drho_dt, rho0_vec, tspan, p)
@time sol0 = solve(prob, Tsit5(), rtol = 1e-8, atol = 1e-8)
function f2(drho, rho, p, t)
A_l, w_l = p
mul!(drho, A_l * sin(w_l * t) * L_t, rho)
#return (A_l * sin(w_l * t) * L_t) * rho
function update_func(A,u,p,t)
A .= A_l * sin(w_l * t) * L_t
A1 = DiffEqArrayOperator(L)
A2 = DiffEqArrayOperator(0 * L_t, update_func = update_func)
prob = SplitODEProblem(A1, A2, rho0_vec, tspan, p)
@time sol = solve(prob, ETDRK2(), rtol = 1e-8, atol = 1e-8, dt = (tspan[2] - tspan[1]) / 4000)